🍋Yandere! Rengoku x Reader🍋

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Content warning: rape, fear, yanderes

Good luck..

          Footsteps.   You couldn't help but freeze at the sound of the floorboards creaking in the halls.

     Every evening, it was so easy to hear everything.  There were only crickets and the wind that very rarely rattled the shoji.

     A very soft sliding sound filled the silent room.  Book in hand, you peer over to the figure.  You no longer had any hope for it to be anyone else at this point.  You knew who would greet you every time you looked up.

     "(Y/N),"  A soft voice followed after, leaving you speechless.  All it took was the echo of that voice to bring back everything that had happened to you.  Everything that had brought you to this diabolical place.

     There stood Rengoku Kyoujuro.  Flame Pillar, known for his ever lasting smile and kindness.   However you got to see another side of such a fiery and boisterous man.  One that no being would ever wish to deal with.  Yet here you were.

     "Yes.." You look up, keeping your legs from rattling to dust as you looked up to the bright eyes that stared through you.  It felt as though his eyes began to grow in the evening sunlight as it filled through the shoji.

     It was terrifying, no matter the time, day, or context.  You almost hated this man.  He was worse than a demon.  At the very least, they would kill you over a certain amount of time.

     "I've been thinking,"  Why must he speak so softly?  Couldn't he just-- "Are you listening?"  You look back up, not having realized your gaze had locked onto your feet.  You flinch when he places a large, warm hand on your cheek.  Any girl would have melted at his touch, sure, but this... you could feel your blood run cold.

     "I want to do more with you."  What?  "So we can seem like a real couple."  Stop smiling.   Please, it's disgusting.  "Don't give me that look."  Rengoku murmurs, eyes widening a bit too much.

     "Let's make dinner, first. Then we can sit together at the table, have dinner together."  He smiles down at you, kissing your forehead oh so tenderly before lifting you into his arms.


          In the kitchen, all of the ingredients are set out to be prepared and cooked.  You stare at the raw, bloody bream on the wooden cutting board.  "I'll prepare the fish, I'd like you to do the rice.  While we wait on the rice, we can cut up the vegetables together."  What a sweet smile, but you were still petrified.

     Once you've finished the rice, you move over to the potatoes, lettuce, and carrots.  "I'll peel the potatoes,"  Rengoku, chimes in, having finished preparing the fish a while ago.

     Potatoes in hand, he goes through peeling them rather quickly.  That's what you would expect from a Pillar, someone who needed to be fast to even keep their job.  Honestly, you felt intimidated, as if you weren't doing enough to please him.  What would he do if you didn't do it ri--

     "(Y/N)-chan." He speaks gently, standing behind you.  You feel your blood run cold, his warm body pressed against the back of your smaller figure.  "If you're lost, I can show you how I prepare the lettuce."  His hot breath in your ear made your body act in its own way.  You could feel a little bit of heat from yourself, down there.

     Without any warning, he begins to guide you through the process, although it was common sense.  Really, Rengoku just wanted a reason to touch you.  A way to turn you on or at least tease you a little to make you feel a little warm during dinner time.  That's what a couple would do, right?

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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