Chapter 3 ➵

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"He made my bones disappear, forgive me if I'm not rearing to jump back onto the pitch" Harry ranted to Ron who was trying to convince him to join back on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"You think I'm going to be any bloody good out there without your help?" Ron argued as he tore a chunk of some sort of meat thigh and chomped on it with a worried groan from over the table in The Great Hall.

And it really was great. Always full of laughter and joy and love, but most importantly magic. There was always something magical to see in The Great Hall, from the 1st year students pushing their luck with their new wands, or the Ravenclaws testing prank potions on their friends, or most of all The Enchanted Ceiling; at first glance, it is as though you're looking right up into the heavens themselves.

"What about Via?" Harry spoke with a joking smirk, "Haven't you thought of going for tryouts? I would've thought battering a few Slytherin would be right up your alley"

I peered over my book and shot a small grin back and shook my head slightly, having already expressed my disinterest in Quiddich.

"Yeah well, I can think of one person who'd agree with you there" Ron teased.

"Oh yeah, who's that then?" Harry indulged in the gossip and picked at a scone.

"Ron, please. It was nothing" I placed my book on the table and leaned over it slightly towards Harry; "He thinks Oliver Wood was flirting with me"

Harry frowned a smile at me as his chewing slowed and his disbelief grew, but before he could get a word in about it another voice approached.

"Ha, that's hilarious. A pathetic Gryffindor Quiddich Captain with an even more pathetic Hufflepuff nobody, I guess you'll make an equally woeful pair" Draco Malfoy approached with a smug leer on his face, followed by two of his latest dependants.

"Shove off, Malfoy" Ron spat.

Draco was very much a bully. A Slytherin boy with a hatred for anything good or pure. We barely ever saw Hermione Granger now-a-days, I guess she had had it with Malfoys remarks about her Muggle parents, Hermione was just too kind to hurt anyone the way he had been hurting her.

"Yeah, seriously not today, Draco" I rolled my eyes and shook my head lightly; "And from what I've heard Oliver is the best Captain Gryffindor has ever had, much better than Slytherins at that" I quietly spoke as I turned back to Harry.

"How dare you turn your back on me" A wand was soon pressed against my cheekbone from behind me and all I saw was Harry and Ron shoot faster from their seats than I'd ever seen and pull their wands from their pockets, pointing them over my head at Draco.

"Malfoy, back off. Stop being ridiculous" Harry warned.

"Ridiculous?" Malfoy spat whilst shoving his wand a little harder into my face, making me wince "Have you seen yourselves lately?" His comrades laughed in support.

I stayed completely still, I felt like I had been holding my breath way too long but I knew what Draco was capable of and I did not want to be on the receiving end of it.

"Lower your wand, Malfoy" Ron demanded louder, attracting more attention from my house table than I would've liked.

Draco looked over to see that Filch had just entered the hall, exhaling a small laugh from his nose, he released my face, a small sting left behind from his wand; "You're not worth it anyway" Malfoy dismissed his followers and started to guide them towards the Slytherin table slowly; "Don't think I'll be forgetting this though, Greystone".

Harry and Ron sunk slowly back down into their seats and put away their wands, it was only then that I took a huge sigh of relief and relaxed somewhat; "God, he really is terrible" I spoke faintly.

"You can say that again" Ron said, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright?" They both spoke almost in unison.

I pondered for a moment, touching my cheek where Draco's wand had left an ache behind; "I think so, I'm not dead am I?" I frowned, half joking, flicking my eyes between the two.

"It'd take a whole lot more than Draco bloody Malfoy to kill you, Via" Ron chuckled.

"Yeah well, I'm just glad I had you guys here" I loosened up a little; "I know a bit too much about the Malfoys to want to cross them"

"Really, what's that then?" Harry questioned.

I leant over the table, looking back to see Draco was now tucking into an apple and scanning the hall for his next victim.

I turned back to Harry and Ron; "Supposedly, his Father's a Death Eater" I wore my discomfort on my face like the Hufflepuff badge on my robes.

Ron stopped eating and his mouth unlatched slightly.

Harry sighed and sat up, glancing over at Malfoy with subtlety; "Spectacular".

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