The confession

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A/N: This is gonna be cringey I already know it.

Kakashi pov
So that's why he's blushing wait a second...d-does he l-like m-me??...

"O-obito d-do y-you l-like m-me?"

No pov
The question caught obito off guard and his face was as red as a cherry, obito didn't want to answer nor did he want to lie, so he finally decided its best to tell the truth.

"I-im going t-to be honest y-yes i do kakashi its ok if you dont like me back..." Obito then turned his head away from kakashi ready to be rejected by the person he loves.

Kakashi pov
Obito just confessed to me...
I mean i like him to but he seems like he's prepared to get rejected i should give him a sign i like him to.

No pov
Kakashi then pulls down his mask and kisses obito making obito blush even more.

After a few seconds kakashi pulls away and obito is shocked and blushing.(kakashi pulled his mask back up btw)

"Well you see obito i like you to~"

Obito then felt more tightness in his pants and blushed super hard, it was getting harder for him to hide it.



Obito then looks at kakashi's face and blushed even more. (if that was possible)

Obito was happy but also flustered from his crush likeing him back and from him still on top of him.

"E-erm kakashi?"


"C-can you u-um y-you know"



(Now this is just cringey)

Obito then pushes kakashi gently off of him because he didn't think kakashi would get off himself.

"Aww~ obito why'd you do that?~"


Obito then tries to cover his boner so kakashi can't see it.

"What are you doing obito~?"


Obito pov
Damit I hope he didn't notice what I was trying to do if he did then that would've been embarrassing.

Kakashi pov
What was obito trying to do, I mean he grabbed a blanket and put it over his lap- wait a second does he have a boner? Maybe he was just cold that could be it but who knows it is obito after all.

No pov
Eventually kakashi got bored and decided to ask obito if he wanted to do something.

"Obito im bored what do you want to do?"

"E-eh i dont know"

Kakashi pov
I wonder what obitos thinking I know that sounds werid but truth be told I wanna know.

No pov
Eventually obito got a little tired so he pulled the blanket over himself and just layed there until kakashi got under the blanket as well and wrapped his arms around obitos waist and pulled him closer to kakashi and obito cuddled into kakashi's chest while falling asleep along with kakashi.
(If you guys are wondering yes obito still has a boner just making that clear so what happens next makes sense.)

(1 hour later)

Kakashi pov
I just woke up and saw obito in my arms and I blushed a little, he looks so cute I thought but then he was waking up.

Obito pov
I woke up in kakashi's arms but then it hit me the pain in my pants.

The sound I desperately didn't want to let out.

No pov

"Are you ok Obito?" Kakashi said in a worried voice but you couldn't hear the worry in his voice.


Kakashi pov
I heard obito let out a sound and it sounded like a painful moan so I asked if he was ok but I think he might have a boner but I'm not sure or he might be horny I dont know though.

Obito pov
Oh no I really didn't want to let out that sound it was so embarrassing as well as im still hard should I ask him to help? After 5 minutes I finally decided it was best to ask him for help.

No pov


"Yes obito"

"I-i umm can you help me?"

"With what?"

Obito then takes off the blanket and says...

"T-this I have a b-boner because of you from earlier" Obito says with a very dark blush on his face.

"Oh~ you want my help sure~"

"G-gah maybe I shouldn't of asked"

"To late~"
(Why do I think this is actually how kakashi would react? Eh)

Kakashi then gets on top of obito and pulls down his mask and kisses obito.

"Kakashi wh- mph"

Kakashi then pulls away.

"Thats what i was doing idiot"


A/N: werid place to end it but dont worry there is smut in the next chapter anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Word count- 799

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