The Secret

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Catra was brushing her hair in her room as Adora burst through the door. She plopped herself down on Catra's bed, a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" Catra asked.

"It's just. I'm feeling a lot of pressure, with the new princess ball coming up since they changed it to once a year now. I'm supposed to select things, organize it, and teach Scorpia to dance? And don't even get me started on that exploring the galaxy thing we were going to do. I-I'm just feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed." Adora responded. She looked down.

"Well, I know a way to turn that frown upside down!" Catra sat herself on the bed next to her.

"What?" Adora looked up at Catra without moving her body which was a lethal mistake.

She smiled devilishly. Slowly removing Adora's shoe she locked her own arm around her foot.

"Catra? What are you-"

"Tickles!" She started gliding her nails up and down on Adora's soft feet.

"Stohophithahahahahahahahahaha!" She tried to reach over and pry Catra off but another wave of tickling forced her to fall back, laughing. Catra started adding nails, each stroking Adora's feet with precise precision to elicit the most laughs. Moving down to her sole Catra scribbled her fingers all over causing Adora's to laugh harder.

"CatrahahpleheahasehahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaI'mtohohohoticklishahahahaha!" Adora spoke through her laughter.

"Aw come on, you're no fun. And besides, I'm not stopping until you're all cheered up!" Catra laughed with Adora as she delved into further into her torment.

Catra slipped off Adora's socks and started scribbling every inch of her foot, sending her to a new level of torture. She pulled her hand off of Adora's leg and started tickling her feet with both hands, no longer needing to restrain her as she was now laughing too much to struggle.


"Oh come on you know you like it." Catra grinned and giggled along with Adora's laughter. She started tickling both of her feet mercilessly, watching her feet dance and squirm. Pleasure surged through her as she kept scratching and tickling Adora's soles and the balls of her toes..

"NOHOHOIHIDON'THAHAHAHAHAHAHASTOHOPITT!" Adora's fought back tears of laughter as sweat ran down her face and feet, too exhausted to struggle anymore.

"You know you like it. Admit it! Maybe I'll stop!" She said in a singsong voice.

Adora blushed while she laughed, unable to deny it- she did like it. "OKFINEHEHEHEIHILIKEHEIT HAHAHAHAHA!" she screamed through her laughter.

"There we go. Ooh, I think it's time to move up to these cute toes of yours!" Catra moved her fingers up to Adora's toes, scratching her stems and then lightly tickling her pads. She got an immmediate response as Adora's laughter shot up an octave.

Continuing to tickle her toes, she teased Adora with phrases like "Coochicoochicoo!" or "Tickle time!"

Adora's face kept going redder and redder with her feet, clearly reaching near her breaking point. Her best friend and love of her life saw this in her face so she slowed down.

Adora panted and tried to calm down after the torture she had just endured. Catra quickly went and got her a cup of cold water, slowly letting Adora sip from it. As she recovered, Catra sat next to her to help.

"Sorry if that was a bit much." She told Adora, looking down but only seeing her feet which didn't help.

Adora, still giggling with residual tickles managed to get through, "It's, hehe, ok, ha." She blushed. "I-I um sorta kinda maybe, liked it." She mumbled although Catra's head shot up.

"You-you did? And you don't-don't hate me?" Grimacing she braced herself for Adora's response having imagined this over and over in her head she could tell what was coming next-the hatred and discomfort followed shortly by losing whatever love Adora had for her.

To her surprise Adora said, "Of course not! I could never hate you. And besides, you were only trying to cheer me up." Thinking back to her ticklish situation she blushed at the thought.

What? She doesn't hate me? Catra thought. They sat in silence for a while both of them staring down. Catra seeing Adora's feet had to repress urges and suppress her true self.

Adora left the room thoroughly cheered up and ready to plan. Remembering Adora's feet the way they looked, smelled, the sweat glistening on it she thought, No! Stop thinking that, you can never tell her your secret. Not now, not ever. Going about her day, she felt saddened as she new she could never reveal her inner self until she a single thought came to her that filled her with enough hope to last a lifetime. Not yet...

Note to Readers:

Hi, I hope you liked this first installment. I will try to publish more and update as quickly as I can but it may not be super fast. Also, just so you know if you have watched the show and would like to request a scenario(within this story line) I may just use it(You will be credited and it will be made clear it is not be a part of the main story). Also, please do not hate, this is only my first story. I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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