into the night

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The phantom thief looked down at the little ornamental rose, the potential downfall of all his hard work. Every muscle in his body tensed up as it tipped from the high shelf, bouncing on the edge of the next. The fate of his freedom relied on this small rose- or at least, its durability. And today, fate was not in his favor. The glass rose shattered, it's delicate petals strewn across the wooden floor.

And the boy who lived upstairs woke.

The shatter of fragile china had been more than enough to arouse him, for he rarely slept anyways. Frightened, he threw himself out of bed, banging into the wall as he tried to pull a hoodie over his uncovered chest. He spotted the thief, just barely, whisking out of the front door with a bag of antiques.

"Stop! Please, come back here!" He called, desperate and out of breath. "We need those!"

The phantom thief felt a jolt of surprise as something rugged on the edge of his cape. "Stop! Please!"

He turned around in shock to look at the boy. "Wh-?"

"Please, we need those," he repeated, choking on his words. He was short of breath and sweating, but still held on desperately.

The thief found himself staring into the helpless boy's eyes. It almost made him regret what he was about to do.


"Well? So do I."

He smacked the boy in the face hard, throwing him off. The boy yelped in surprise as blood gushed from his (probably broken) nose. The thief immediately whipped around and disappeared into the night, the bag of antiques slung over his shoulder.

And left behind was kokichi, who stood in place in awe, holding his bloody nose, wondering what he was supposed to do now.

shattered flowers | oumasai phantom thief reverse auWhere stories live. Discover now