
Start from the beginning

they arrived pretty quickly and sat in their seat. their seat was all the way in the back and it was a booth. they've sat there for two years, until the worker, suzie, reserved it for them every time they came, so that way they would sit in the same spot.

they walked in and went to their seat, already ready with menus. they're was a fresh flower every day in the middle of their table.

suzie walked up to their table and smiles. she was a sweet old woman who has been working in this place for years. she knew the girls well. sometimes they would talk about school, boys, life, and problems.

"what may i get for you two girls today? same thing?" suzie asked. she knew the two girls' orders.

"you read our mind once again suzie!" y/n said as she handed the old woman her and sofias menu.

"coming right up girls!" suzie said to the two best friends.

"what did you do yesterday? i mean you already know what i did, so" y/n began a conversation.

"i knitted with my mom. it's actually harder than it looks. it took me three hours to knit something four inches!" sofia laughed as she held up the number four with her hand.

"she needs to teach me how to knit someday." y/n laughed.

"so what else happened with finn yesterday? i was so tired and i couldn't hear the last part of the call." sofia told y/n.

"he bought me a small ivy plant from the plant nursery downtown!" y/n said excitedly.

"that's so cute! you're showing me once we get to your house." sofia said and laughed. the two girls asked for a kids menu and played the small games on the back with their crayons and tried to beat each other on the paper games.

not long after that, their food came. the smell of hot soup filled their nostrils. it smelled so good.

"here you go girls. i'd stay and talk, but my free hours are later! next time though!"suzie told the two as she served them their meal.

"alright. thanks suzie!" sofia told the older woman.

she took a spoonful of soup.

"mmm! my favorite! she said as she devoured the soup in her mouth.

"how can something be so irresistible?" y/n said.

"like finn for you." sofia giggled.

"oh shut up." y/n said, as she was trying to enjoy her soup.

the two girls ate their soup in peace. they enjoyed it. it's been their favorite for a long time. they were happy the menu never changed after all of this time. when they were done, they drank their soup from the bowl.

as they finished, sofia paid for it. they said goodbye to suzie and left the restaurant.

"fresh, cold air!" sofia said as she widened her arms outside. y/n giggled.

"what are we doing next?" y/n asked.

"wanna go to the movies? we have two hours. that gives us time." sofia told the girl.

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