Drowning in a sea

26 2 0

pease exciuse spelling errors

Cant breath,

Cheast tight,

I look up at the stary night,

wind howls in my ears,

in my ears,

i wonder how i even got here,

Gasping for breath

eyes go blurry

my head summerges once agian

the salty cold water burns my skin

leaves a pain unbarable to most

me aspecially

cant think

so i flaiir my arms

praying to any god i can think of

i hope someone will save me

Why won't someone save me

in my head their is a clock ticcking

an hour glass whos sand is almost


I am scrared

as the last grain of sand falls

i wake up with a start

a feeling of releaf washes over me

like a bucket of warm water

my time in the water changed me

the sun is brighter

the sky is a little clearer

the birds sing a little louder

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