“No need to say thank you. I’m willing to do everything for you.”

He hugged me tighter. His warmth makes me feel like I’m in heaven.

He is my comfort.

Suddenly his phone alarmed. He took it out and slides the screen to stop it from creating noise.  He put it back on his pocket and sighed.

“What’s with the alarm? It’s already 9:00 am.”

“I s-set it wrong.”

I just shrugged and don’t bother to ask question anymore.

“I’m hungry.” He said and he starts giving kisses on my head.

“What do you want to eat?”

“You. Can I eat you?”

“What?” I faced him shockingly.

“Kidding. Let’s find something to eat somewhere.” He said and stood up do some weird stretchings.

“What the heck are you doing?

“I feel uhm... never mind. Let’s go.”
He reaches for my hand and guided me towards the door.

Finding a place to eat... We ended up to EmQuartier.
We just dine at a Japanese restaurant and after that, we went to the Chanel store to buy the sneakers that Namtaan wants to have.

We’re surprised that Nammon is at the Chanel store too and choosing some clothes.

“Don’t do anything.” I warned Off. 

“What? I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re stare. If staring can kill Nammon already laid on the floor dead.”

“This is how I normally stare.” He defended.

“Really???” I tease him.

“Arggh. Come on, let’s just search for shoes that Namtaan will like and get out of here.”

We start to look for the sneakers that Namtaan might like. I will just base it on my style. Off inspect the other racks on the other side of the store.

“Aw. Gun! It’s been a while since we saw each other. How are you?” Nammon approach me.

“Fine. How about you?”

“I’m fine and still single.” He laughed.
I plastered an awkward smile.

“Uhm about what happened a---

“How about this sneakers TEE RAK? This one is good right?”

I was shocked hearing the Off’s voice who is now at my side with and holding a CHANEL ivory suede sneakers cruise 2020.

“I think this will suit Namtaan well TEE RAK.” He added.

My forehead started to crease.

What with the sudden tee rak (sweet heart)? He kept on emphasizing that word.

I get the sneakers and inspect it too. It’s nice. It is perfect for Namtaan.

“Okay we’ll get thi---

I stopped from talking when I saw Off having a staring contest again with Nammon.
I put my palm on my face and sighed.

Off is indeed a kiddo.

“Hey.” I pulled his shirt to gain his attention. “We’ll get this one.”

Saving YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ