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( Victor shot Xiao Zhan and took Wang Zhuo Cheng with them. Zhuo Cheng have no idea what happened outside after that. If you too don't know what happened after that, go and read SUIBIAN from the chapter 'Fire and water' (☞゚ヮ゚)☞' )

Wang Zhuo Cheng

I was getting tired. Tired of everything.

My body felt weak and my eyes were swollen.

I couldn't stop those tears and my heart was aching like hell.

"Zhan,,,,,, What should I do now?...... If I ever gonna get out of here, what I'm gonna say to Lijie?.... I can't take this..... I really can't..... It hurts."

I buried my face in my knees and I started weeping.

The scene of him getting shot by Victor and falling into that water with his cuffed hands weren't fading from my eyes.

The thought of him no more in this world with me was so suffocating and scaring.

I wished this whole things was a freaking nightmare. I wanted to wake up from it soon and see his annoying smile again.

"I fought with you every time but....... I love you. You are my brother Zhan. I love you." I was ranting it again and again.

Suddenly I heard some voices from outside of that room.

I slowly raised my head and looked towards that closed door. That voices was getting louder and I heard a name like 'Yuan' in that.

"Yuan?.... A-Yuan!!! Isn't that Yibo's little brother?" I wiped my tears immediately.

I slowly got up from there and walked towards that door. I peaked outside through a hall on that door.

There I saw these men of Victor beating a guy so badly. For a second I thought it was Yibo but when I saw that face once, I recognized him. It wasn't Yibo it was his big brother. I remember his name. It's Haikuan.

Those people are brutally beating him and his hands were tied behind him.

"Please....... Don't do anything to my brother. Please.... I'm begging you." He kept saying and pleading. But those freaks were beating him badly. His face was bleeding like hell and his voice was getting lower and lower.

I saw him collapsing on that floor unconsciously. Those people got him up and they sealed his mouth with a tape before they dragged him towards this room.

My eyes widened and I immediately gone back to where I was sitting and the door cracked open very soon.

Those guys dragged his unconscious body further into this room and one of them smirked at me. I gave him a glare before I watch Yibo's brother again.

They leaned his upper body on a iron pipe and tied him up on that. They all were about to go back but one of them stopped in that doorway, causing everyone to stop. They all looked back at me in unison and I gulped visibly in tension. The guy who smirked at me before looked at another one and gestured him to stay in before the rest of them leave that room.

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