And if a plate came back to the kitchen empty of all food with a bit of dirt on the edges, no one would know.

Because no one had cared about his life before. Just the honourable sacrifice his parents had made.

Maybe this hero was better.

-see? It was good!-

-sure sure, let's get to the good bit-

-but what about Izuku's training?-

-he just does Tiger's boot camp while his shadow clone does the same, to lengthen the time of his shadows and reduce exhaustion-

-... you know a lot-

-not a weeb for nothing-

-the good part!-

-press play Kittie!-


Bakugo stood in the darkness, trees covered in blankets of black surrounding the clearing impatience ticking at the back of his head like a clock. A sigh puffed from his lips.

Wind twisted around his body, a soft whistle and its cold brush the only evidence of its existence.

Then Izuku Midoriya walked out.




Emerald green eyes met fiery scarlets.

Between the two colours, a bond used to live.

A bond full of childish laughter.
A bond full of unconditional friendship.
A bond full of innocence.

But over time, that bond had been fraying.

A breaking bond full of bullying.
A breaking bond full of hatred.
A breaking bond full of fear.

And finally, the bond had broken.

But that was what neither had wanted.

They wanted the friendship they used to have.
The brotherhood.
The bond.

So a second chance had been given.

And now was the time to view the results.

The moon glittered, set high in the dark sky, high above two boys.

"I'm done Izuku."


"I'm done. I'm done with being an asshole. I'm done being... tyrannical. I want you back De... Izuku. I want what we used to have."

Silence filled the cold air. Tension seeped into the space between them.
There was no one else around.

When Izuku moved, Katsuki flinched.

He walked over to the explosive blond. And placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know Katsuki. I want that too. But you have yet to prove that to me."

Katsuki knocked the hand off of his shoulder. Fire began to flare behind those scarlet eyes. A fire that had been dampened for too long.

"I'm done waiting! I'm done! I want you back!" Katsuki screamed, desperation crinkling his eyes, hand clutching harshly at his shirt. "I want my brother..."

A calloused hand fell to his side.

Izuku could feel the frustration and longing radiating off of the teen, vibrant scarlet eyes shaded under blonde spikes, pale moonlight illuminating his still frame.

Izuku chuckled dryly.

"Impatient as ever, of course.

But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Despair pooled within scarlet eyes, but a spark of hope began to kindle their fire once more.

"You have yet to prove that you have changed Katsuki, but that doesn't mean I want nothing to do with you anymore. I want you back too Kacchan. So prove you've changed now."

Izuku's emerald eyes met Katsuki's own scarlet globes, ones that showed so much emotion, betraying the usually mono-emotional male. Anger no longer shone with those pools. His tidal wave of overflowing anger had been replaced by fire. Dangerous, but changing and tameable.

"Welcome back, brother."

-how about we leave it there-

-but the viewing was so short!-

-then let it be short-

-but Foxie~-

-Kittie, I just had hike, I walked 20 kilometres in a day, I'm tired-



I hope you like chapter 19 ( by that I mean i hope I confused you)

This chapter is a lot shorter than usual but oh well, I wanted to post something that gave more to the training camp arc and last chapter.

Also, I have converted my old Gacha account (yes I was a gachatuber), into an official Insta account for my fan fiction.

Hopefully, I'll be posting sneak peaks and the like there, and maybe some art as well.

So check out:


On Instagram if you'd like

Thank you for reading.
- Shadow-san out

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