Arc 2: Chapter Six

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I still get butterflies
Crazy how we vibe
Even when we fight
I still get butterflies
Crazy how we vibe
Even when we fight

Asuna pulls Kazuto into the room that she previously got ready in. No one else was in here other than the two of them. Kazuto, was confused. Very confused. He was silently questioning what his newly wedded wife had him in here for. Was he trouble? Did she want to secretly call off the rest of the wedding? "Kirito," Asuna calls, bringing him back to reality. "I have something to...well to uhm talk about with you." She says.

Kazuto stays silent, watching as she goes to her purse in the room, pulling out something from her bag. And the thing in her hands, just so happen to be a pregnancy test.

His eyes widen in shock. "Asuna, are you pregnant?" he asks, blush going to his cheeks. "No..." she responds back quickly. "I don't know actually. I have to take it." She adds. She goes into the bathroom, doing as the instructions stated before coming back out. A million thoughts seemed to be going through her head, some being the same ones from earlier while others being new ones.

"We have to wait 5 minutes," she says. Kazuto opens his arms wide and she sits down on his lap. He immediately wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly.

"Doesn't this remind you of when we found out about Yui?" Kazuto asks her, to which she nods. "Yeah...if I'm actually pregnant then Yui will be pretty happy." Asuna says, her thoughts immediately thinking over to the possibility of Sinon also being pregnant.

"If Sinon's pregnant too then-" He quickly shushes her. "How many times do I have to tell you. IF Sinon's pregnant and it's actually mine, I'll love the child as much as Yui, if you're pregnant, I love both you and the child too. I have zero feelings for Sinon and a baby won't bring me back to her," he says, which calms her nerves.

"I love you, Asuna," he says, kissing her forhead. She falls into his touch, and the two sit in an comfortable silence until her phone rings, signaling that the test was done with. Asuna stands up, heading into the bathroom.

A gasp comes to her lips, and she exits the bathroom, test in hand a smile on her face. "I'm pregnant, Kazuto," she says, tears welling in her eyes. Kazuto looks at the test, and surely, it said pregnant. He wraps his arms around her into a hug, and few seconds later, he finds himself crying.

"I know why I'm crying," Asuna says, referring to her hormones. "But why're you?" she asks, giggling a bit. "I can't help it..." he trails, hugging her tighter. "You've given me so much Asuna," he says. Asuna smiles, hugging him back. "There, there, big baby," she says, kissing his forehead.

Shortly after the two gather their composure before heading out to enjoy the rest of their wedding. After their wedding, the two headed off for their week long honeymoon in Turks and Caicos.

~1 Week Later~

To say the least, their honeymoon was very eventful. The two had fun. Since they arrived late that night, the two decided picking up Yui from school was the best option to surprise her now that they were back.

Asuna watched from the window as their daughter ran to her car excitedly. "Mommy Daddy!" she says, climbing into the backseat. Asuna smiles. "We've missed you, Yui," she says, desperately wanting to wrap her arms around her daughter and into a hug. That could wait though, atleast until they got home.

Asuna looks over at Kazuto, who was smiling as he drove. She knew exactly why too. They both decided that they'd tell Yui as soon as they got back.

"Yui," Kazuto calls her name as they stop at a stop-light. "How do you feel about having another sibling?" he asks. Yui tilts her head to the side in a thinking manner. "A sibling..." she trails before a smile goes to her face.

"That'd be nice...but why?" Yui asks. "Yui, mommy's pregnant, which means that you'll be getting a little brother or sister," Asuna says, watching as her daughter eyes light up. "Really mommy?" she asks. "Really," Asuna says with a nod.

Yui pumps her hand into the air happily. "Yay!" she cheers. Both parents laugh at their childs reaction. Now, they could move onto telling everyone else.

The first person they decide to tell is Alice and Eugeo. Asuna was sure Alice was curious ever since the wedding, so she was just repaying her.

"You're pregnant!" Alice exclaims over the phone. Asuna could tell her friend was jumping up and down happily. "Yep," she says, a smile playing on her lips. "Congrats Kaz and Asuna," Eugeo says. Gradually, they told more and more of their friends all until everyone knew.

The next people to tell, were their parents. Kazuto had already told Suguha, and his parents burn Asuna had yet to tell her parents. She knew everything would be fine this time around, however, since she was a grown women, and had already had Yui. Not only that, she was much older now so she was sure everything would be fine. And like she had thought, her parents were very happy.

As the months progressed, so did Asuna's tummy. She neared 5 months now, and everything seemed to be going good. 

"Mommy's tummy has gotten a lot bigger!" Yui exclaims through giggles. Her tiny hand lays on top of her mothers stomach, touching it in hopes of being closer to her sibling. "It has!" Kazuto grins, sitting on the other side of Asuna, touching her stomach aswell. 

"Do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl, Yui?" Kirito asks his daughter.

"Hm..." Yui thinks. "I want it to be a girl!" she says. Kirito frowns slightly and Asuna smiles. "That's two against one, Kirito." she says. Not only did Yui want a little sister, but Asuna herself was hoping for another daughter. "What do you two have against boys?" he questions.

"Boy's are icky!" Yui exclaims. 

While Kazuto was happy that his daughter hadn't gotten to the age where boys were cool, he was still a bit upset that out of his two family members, neither wanted the baby to be a boy like he did. Of course they'd be fine with either or, but the thought of having a son made Kazuto sure that his family would be complete. Or so he hoped. 

"Yeah, yeah," Kazuto pouts. "Go get ready for school already, Yui. You're grandmother's taking you." 

Yui's eyes light up. "Alright!" she cheers, running off to her room in a hurry. Minutes later she's dressed and out the door, and both Asuna and Kirito are waving goodbye to Asuna's mother and her. 

Silence overtakes the house as their child is now gone and out the door. Asuna sends a look over to her husband. "Aren't you leaving for work?" she questions, raised eyebrow just a bit. She notices a change in the mood as he shifts in his seat, and that leaves her all the more curious. "Kirito?" she questions, becoming a bit worried.

"I'm gonna go to work...but first, we need to talk." he says. 

A/N: Finally got around to publishing this chapter after two months. 
I'm sorry!! 
If you read the A/N I wrote then I had a valid excuse. 
With that being said and cleared, there are two chapters left of this story!! I have no set date for the sequel of this story, but hopefully the last two chapters are out before April so I can have the sequel ready before May.
If you enjoyed today's chapter please
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See you all in the next one!

~ Jas

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