Thank You!

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Okay folks! That Q&A is still there if you read the whole book and want to fill it out at some point, but I just wanted to give a big thank you to all the people who supported and gave feedback on this story. Appreciate all of you!

for being probably my only  consistent reader that showed his face in the comment section. Thanks for reading and always pointing out anything that needed fixing!

for getting excited, voting, and just generally making my day with her comments. Thank you for being such a fun reader!

for inadvertently helping me with my writer's block and encouraging me to continue writing when I had no idea what to do with the story. Love you, Verity!

for her lovely comments in the beginning chapter and enthusiasm over Lily in general. Thank you for getting me excited to write more!

And a thanks as well to all them silent readers out there that kept this baby ranking in some of its tags. You're all such a blessing. Say sneaky!

And that is all. This book is complete, and only editing follows. Maybe one day you'll see a short story compilation on a shelf in a bookstore somewhere, and this'll be one of the stories.

You're all epic!

In the NestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora