Now is Always Temporary

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The bar had hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the sports game on the TV that dominates the atmosphere. The crowd was mixed between young students to older gentlemen out with a group of friends. 

Addie winded her way through the warm bodies and tables to order a drink. She needed something to get rid of this headache,  Before the drink was poured she felt someone melting their body to hers from behind and she knew Jay had arrived. "You took your sweet time." 

He sat down beside her. "Had to finish a report." He ordered himself a drink.

"Have you talked to any of the guys?" 

Jay didn't answer. 

Addie turned her glare onto him. "So you all decide to abandon me again?" Their old ranger group was supposed to meet at Addie's house the other night but when no one showed up. To say she was pissed was an understatement. "Just when I need all of you guys, ya'll aren't there."

"We are, Ads." 

Addie froze. There was no way. They were supposed to be heading back overseas tomorrow. She turned to see the guys. All of them stood right behind her, all eyes on her. Mouse. Enzo. Kace. Lincoln. Beckett. Zane. Daxton. 

"I think ya'll have some explaining to do." She was fuming. They would show up here but not at her home. They would be able to talk more privately there, but here they did this on purpose. 

"Dove, We're sorry."  Kace put a hand on the brunette's shoulder, only for her to pushed it off. 

"A little late for that, don't cha think? We can't talk about the things we need to here."

The guys shared a look, as Addie rolled her eyes. She hated when they communicated without talking. That was how their squad became one of the best. They all knew what each other were thinking. It was as if they were one. 

Daxton stepped forward. "About that, Ads. You need to forget it. We will handle it."

They seriously can't just walk in and tell her to forget everything. What happened to being a team? "Aren't you guys supposed to be heading back tomorrow?"

"Got pushed back due to new info." Daxton nodded his thanks to the bartender who left several drinks in front of the group.

Addie raised her eyebrow. "Info you can't tell me right?"

"Ads. You know we can't."

"Can't or won't?" She knew the answer before she asked. She just wanted to hear them say it.

No one spoke for a moment. 

Addie let out a breath. "Thought we were family." She craved for another drink but it was taken from her.

"Addie. Please." The begging from Zane's made her soften just a bit. But that didn't last long before the fire within burned brighter.  

Addie's anger was overflowing. "Family doesn't lie to each other." She honestly didn't know what she was saying. "I thought we were passed this when..." She grabbed her drink from Zane before downed it in one gulp. 

"Slow down, Ads."

She locked eyes with Lincoln. "Will I ever know?" He always made the calls on and off the missions. The leader of the group. 

"We all need to talk." The man kept his eyes on her. Nothing else matter.

The look on Lincoln's face was serious. As well as on all the others. Addie glanced at Jay. "You know. Don't you?"

All Jay responded with was a nod. 

"Unbelievable." She mumbled. 

Lincoln narrowed his eyes at her. "What was that?" His eyes told her his brain was in a different mode, that he had switched gears from empathy to cold emotional indifference.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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