Chapter 16

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We waited half an hour, until I finally saw her. She was carrying two suitcases and she was looking around. She's a very... Free... Just to prepare you for her. She has the weirdest laughs and yeah. Before she could see me, I texted Ashton to warn him:

Hey Ash, I forgot to tell, you, Skyler's favourite band member is you, so be really careful with what you do, or then she'll start screaming like a weirdo... :)

I waved like a hundred times and when her bright green eyes crossed mine, she ran as fast as she could towards me, then she dropped her bags and hanged her arms around my neck. I hugged her back and smiled.

"Hey! How was your flight? Everything alright? Any asses I need to kick?" I asked.

"No... But the men at the entrance are really nice... They said 'shake that beauty' isn't that funny?" She giggled and twirled her hair.

"O-k then, let's go to the car shall we, I've got a surprise for you." I put an arm around her shoulders and she picked up her bags and her creepy stuffed giraffe.

"Ooh I love surprises!" She jumped up and clapped her hands. Yes, that's Skyler... I admit it's weird being her beat friend, but she was there for me in my darkest times and I owe her for that.

      We got to the car and I got the lads to stand in front of it. I put a hand in front of her eyes and I smirked of happiness. Before I took my hand off, Luke winked at me. I shyly looked down and blushed.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yees!" She giggled.

"One... Two.... Three!" I took my hand off and there was a tiny moment of silence.

"Hey Skyler!" The guys said in a chorus. She screamed so loud that it made an ultra sound. But that's when I saw Ashton's eyes go heart shaped.

*Ashton's POV*

I couldn't believe my eyes. She was so beautiful. I had never seen such pretty green eyes in my entire life. She was a miracle of nature. I already knew I liked her. My knees went weak. But before I could say anything Skyler jumped on me and started kissing my face and as I turned around to look at her, our lips connected. Oops... We disconnected and looked into each other's eyes. And this time it was me that leaned in. Right then I knew that I knew her. Our lips stopped touching and I asked her

"Skyler Emma Kellington?!" I exclaimed. She was my summer love. I went on holiday in London once and well I met her and we fell in love but then I had to leave.

"You remembered me!" She screeched.

"How could I not?" I laughed. She got down back on her feet and everyone was staring at us.

"You know my cousin?" Charlotte shouted.

"He's your cousin?" She asked. They both fell back. I was there for Sky and Luke was there for Charlotte.

"Sky is Ash the guy you were talking to me about... That you fell in love and that you cryed for days about?" Charlie groaned. She cryed for me? I found myself a girlfriend!

"Yes. Why didn't you tell me Ashton Irwin was your cousin?" She screamed. She's got

the lightest voice, it sounds so free and peaceful.

"Because she didn't know." I said. Skyler turned around. "I only told her yesterday. So it's not her fault." 

"What's the next thing you're gonna tell me, that Michael Clifford's lost half sister is you?!?" She said. Everyone gasped and looked at Michael, how did she know that?

"How did you know that?" Michael interfered between the conversation.

"She is?!" Sky asked.

"Yes... I mean... No... I mean... Charlotte you're my half sister." Michael mumbled.

"I'm your what?" She gasped and then kind of blacked out. She fainted and Luke caught her. The second one to run to her was Skyler, then me and the lads.

     It was too much information for her. All at once. Skyler though she was gonna die... Well, she had faith didn't she. But Luke was holding her hand and silently crying. Poor him. I imagine what it would be like to have someone faint in your arms like that. After 10 minutes we decided to bring her to the hospital. Luke's idea.


We got to the hospital in around 5 minutes as Liz cares a lot about Charlotte. She hurried like crazy.

       The doctors brought her in a room and we weren't allowed to get in.

       We waited and waited. Luke paced up and down around the room mumbling things to himself. Then when a doctor approached us Luke ran to him.

"Is she okay? Did anything bad happen? Will she wake up again?" He got onto his knees. "Please please tell me she's alright!" He was crying so hard. I feel sorry for that dude. I walked up to him and stood him up. He cryed onto my shoulder and soaked it.

"The patient is OK. She's awake and she wants to see a certain guy named Luke, so Luke, could you come this way please?" He said. Luke dried his tears and followed the doctor to the third door on the left. Room 182. Hey just like Charlotte's favourite band Blink-182! 

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