Ch 6: Candice

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             Nina Pov:

       It's been a week since I fought with Danny. I'm so depressed I shouldn't have done that. I trust him. The door bell rang.

        "I got it!" Nate yelled. He rushed over to the door. I heard a female and male voice. I looked up from my phone and saw Candice and Paul come in.

           "Nina?" Paul looked at me in shock.

          "Hi Wesley." I got up and hugged him.

         "Missed you, but what are you doing here alone?" He hugged back.

        "I need time away from him." I explained. He looked at me in shock.

        "I'm suprised you're not pregnant." Candice spoke up. Phoebe and Nate stood by me.

       "Candice." Nate sighed.

       "Just because he has a messed up past doesn't mean he's like that now." I told her.

       "Then why are you here alone and you just told Paul that you needed time away from him."

        "Candice, relax." Phoebe commanded.

        "I'm not going to stay here with a slut and shut up about it!" She yelled.

       "You're a bitch Candice." She slapped me knocking me to the floor. She started to punch me. I shrieked. Paul and Nate pulled her off of me. Phoebe pulled me up. My head was bleeding.

          "Let's take you to the hospital." Phoebe told me. I shook my head.

          "I'm going by myself." And with that I grabbed my car keys and drove off before they can tell me anything. I began to cry... Everything went black and I heard people scream and sirens.

                Daniel Pov:

         I sat on the edge of her hospital bed. She looked pale and dead. She's in a coma and it's been a week. I didn't leave her side since.

           "If only you knew that I'm different, if I could go back in time and fix my mistakes so I can be with you I would."

        "I love you Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, I really do." I choked on my tears. I held her hand and with my other free hand I placed a heart shapped ring on her middle finger. I got up and went out on the balcony.

              "Don't do it Daniel, she needs you." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Joseph standing there.

             "Do what?" I asked.

             "Commit suicide, we all know you love her." He answered. I sighed. He's right. She needs me.

             "I won't for her sake." He smiled.

            "I'm going to get Candice." He told me. I nodded. A few minutes later Candice came in. She hugged me and sat by her.

          "I'm s-so sorry Nina, your not a slut, your my best friend. I guess I just was afraid he'd hurt you like Jon did, though that's no excuse. Rachel just doesn't want you to have him. I want you to be happy and he loves you." Candice cried.

        "Just please wake up." We both cried. It was like she heard us.

               Nina Pov:

       I woke up gasping for air. I looked around and saw two figures by my side. I rubbed my eyes and saw that it was Danny and Candice. They screamed with joy and hugged me.

       "By any chance did you hear what we said?" Candice asked. I did and I was happy.

        "I did." They smiled. Candice rushed out and called the doctor and one by one my friends and family came in, but Danny stayed with me the whole time. Then I noticed a heart shaped ring on my middle finger.


          "I promise to love you Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva until my heart stops beating, I stop breathing, and my soul vanishes." He explained. I smiled. Maybe he really isn't like Jon who use to hit me.




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