Me and Raven get in my car and I glance over at her. "I'm nervous. Should I be nervous? I-I mean I'm only meeting your whole family..." Raven rambles. I cup her cheeks.

"Hey. It makes sense you're nervous. But you don't need to be. They're going to love you, alright?" I say, caressing her cheek with my thumb. I see Raven relax and she nods.

"Yeah... Thank you." She kisses my hand. Me and her haven't actually kissed yet because I can't find the guts to do it. And Raven is just a huge fucking tease and refuses to kiss me unless I do first. She's said that.

We get our seatbelts on and we start driving. It's not a 4-hour drive, so we're stopping halfway food. "You can look through my CDs and pick whatever music you want Rae," I say, glancing over at her.

She smiles and nods, looking through my CDs. She grabs one of my Avril Lavigne CDs and puts it in. I smile, hearing her sing along to the music.

About an hour into the ride I gather the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. We stop at a red light so I look over at her. "Hey, Raven... I wanted to ask you something." She nods as if to tell me to keep going.

"So uh I know we've only gone on like 2 dates but um I really like you and I don't want to lose my chance so... Will you be my girlfriend?" I look at her nervously. The Latina smiles widely at me. 

"I was wondering how long you'd take. Of course, Lun. I'd be really stupid to say no. I really like you too." She holds my hand. I glance to make sure the light is still red before kissing her softly. And holy fucking shit am I glad I do.

This is probably the best kiss I've ever had in my life. When we pull away I see the light just changed to green and quickly focus back on the road and start driving. This time with only one hand on the wheel, holding Raven's hand with the other. 

I actually asked her to be my girlfriend... And she said yes. 

Lexas POV

Me and Clarke are sitting in the back of Lincoln's car. We're about 10 minutes away from the house and I'm getting nervous about seeing everyone. Especially Anya.

Correction, I'm more nervous about how Anya will react to Clarke. Clarke and Costia are very similar, and Costia has never been Anya's favourite. I mean she tolerates her because she's my best friend, but I know there was a little bit of relief when we broke up. 

As if she can sense my nervousness, Clarke puts her hand on my knee. "What's going on Lex?" She says as I look at her. She brushes a piece of hair out of my face, causing butterflies to come alive in my stomach.

"I'm just nervous to see everyone. I don't want them to look at me like I'm fragile... And I'm worried about what Anya will think about you..." I say, looking down at my lap as I say the last part. "Nothing she says could stop me from liking you but Anya's opinion is the most important to me and I just want her to like you."

I look up and see Clarke smiling, which confuses me. "It's cute that you want your family to like me..." She kisses my cheek, making me smile. We pull up to the house and I bite my lip. 

Lincoln doesn't have too many boxes, but his trunk is pretty small. That's why we needed two cars. Not cause he has a lot of stuff. We knew this was happening at some point so he didn't feel the need to bring all of his stuff with him.

We get out of the car and I take a deep breath. We wait a minute for Luna and Raven to get here. When they do they get out of the car, holding hands. I'm happy for Luna. She deserves this.

When they get to us Lincoln knocks on the door. The door swings open and I see Gaia standing there, smiling at us. "Hey. It's good to see you awake, Lex. Welcome back Lincoln and Luna. And hello new people." She smiles at us and makes way for us to move inside. 

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