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Hello, welcome. I am Snow. I write daily almost. I may not write on WattPad specifically all the time. I certainly do write though. It's helping me get faster at typing. Witch if y'all don know I used to have less than 40 words a minute. I am in high school. Most people my age that is their low. That is super sad to say I know. Anyway, I don know. I just kinda wanted to make this first chapter. to greet you all. I am very friendly I swear. I won bite at all. I do not have a mean bone in my body. I mean unless you are an original character of mine. Then yes you will see the mean side.  

What you can expect to see. 

lgbt+ content, Art, short stories, poetry.

Now to address something very important to me. 

WHo the hell are you all? I have like 24 ish followers on here. Who the hell are you and how you find this page. What dark cracked side of the internet are you on. I have never showed this page to anyone. So how dis you find me? Are you okay? 

I'm joking I think. The real question is why did you stay. I am a disappointment Like did you find my writing good or did you follow me because I followed you? As soon as you answer that question you are home free. Please comment your answer

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