i got tagg

4 1 0

Okay so thank you to Shaun_Grey
For tagging me. He has tagged me twice. I'm gonna go through the most recent one first and the other one second okay? So tag 2 then the first tag.

Do they like you back? Good question bros idk at this point

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Do they like you back?
Good question bros idk at this point.

Middle name?
I wanna make this interesting but y'all know my middle name. Its Snow. Wow the more you know.

Single or taken?
Yes, I have a partner does it feel like it no. So I am here. I love them though hehe

Girl best friend?
That's hard. My friend Eve she has a wattpad I just dont know it. She is probably my closest irl friend.

Guy best friend?
Shit dude Shaun_Grey hands down is the best guy friend I have.

Favorite otp? Is it bad I don't have one. Like I legit just dont.

Last person you texted? The last person I texted was Eve or quin I cant remember.

Last song you listened to?
Oh golly the last song I listened to was drunken sailor. Yes it was a sea shanty. That or relax I cant remember lol

Battery percentage? 90%

Lock screen?
My lock screen okay!

Lock screen? My lock screen okay!

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Haha yeah its Shinso okay. Wow enjoy.

Reason you made your wattpad account?  To read Hamilton smut and not lose my place in the book. I was like 11 okay? I dont condone my actions. Gross it was gross.

Birth date? If I tell you y'all are gonna be like happy date of birth and shit. So I'll let y'all guess. I was born in july. Now guess the day.

Okay to tag twenty people okay so there is only 10 whatever

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