Team 7

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I forgot to mention in the note that Neji is part of team 7. This is my AU and please ask if you are going to use it.

I rounded the last bend of the village and looked out to see the forest with an old dirt path that has history written all over it. With my mask on, I dashed away with my fellow comrades. Jumping from tree to tree. We knew that there was a possibility that we may never come back to our village, but for the people, anything for them.

My head hurts so badly, throbbing as if there was a kunai trying to pry my skull in half. I looked next to me and saw my alarm clock that read 9:34. "SHIT!! I HAVE TO GET TO THE TRAINING GROUNDS!!" I threw my black pants on, black shirt, and a greenish-grey jounin vest. I jumped out of my window and started sprinting to training ground 7. I was supposed to meet my team there an hour ago. I bet the one that is always late is there. My blond hair was laying flat on my head due to the wind. I kept sprinting until I got there. The bell test had already started. Kakashi was just doing simple dodges against Sakura. She doesn't really have all that much skill or chakra. I noticed Sasuke and Neji sneaking up on Kakashi. I just walked to the siverheaded man and said, "Duck." He ducked down as the boys launched at him. 
"Mind if I join Kakashi? Also, you were on time for once, weren't you?" He laughed a bubbly laugh and looked at me.
"Of course! I want to set a high standard considering we are both always late. Alright, my little genin! We are adding two bells to this! Your other jounin has arrived and he has two bells himself. We are extending the time by a few hours! You have until midnight to get these bells!" Kakashi announced. The three genin bounced back into hiding. They haven't figured out how to hide their chakra yet so they are easy to sniff out. I gave Kakashi the nod and we went our separate ways. I felt Sasuke's chakra following me. I stopped walking and waited for his attack. He pounced out of a nearby bush and aimed his foot for my face. I grabbed it, he tried to punch, he was too easy to predict. I let go of his fist and foot. He jumped back and was doing hand signs.
"Fireball Jutsu!" He shouted. A big ball of fire came hurling at me, I was debating whether I should avoid it or not. I decided to use one of my many chakra natures on him. Water. As a jounin, I have to have at least two charka natures known. Lucky for me, I know four of them. Kurama knows the same ones as I do. He was the one who trained me when I was little.

"Kakashi! Did any of those two get a bell?" I looked at the outline of Kakashi and he had his bright blue Icha Icha book out.
"Nope, you?"
"He came close but he ran out of chakra." Sasuke was panting and looked as if he was going to pass out. "Let's go to my apartment and I will treat everyone for dinner. There is enough room there so everyone can spend the night." The three little genins eyes lit up with excitement about food and sleep. We walked in silence to my apartment, they took turns taking showers as I made us ramen and miso soup. I don't know what others like but I love ramen. When everyone except me has showered, we ate.
"Everyone has to share a little about themselves while we eat our dinner. I will start, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, sleep, training, and the rest you don't need to know. As for dreams, yeah, you don't need to know that either." I looked around and saw Kakashi staring at me. His mask is still on but all his food was gone. I know he used genjutsu to make it look like he ate with his mask on. I don't question him because I trust him and I kind of admire him for being different. 
"I am Kakashi, you don't need to know my likes and dislikes, and I don't really have any dreams."
"I am Sakura, I like *squeals and looks at Sasuke* and I don't like Naruto-sensei, my dreams are *squeals and looks at Sasuke again*" I kinda feel bad for the Uchiha kid. He has fangirls all around him. Ok, well I am an anime fangirl so I have no room to speak. I have boundaries unlike Sakura though! I looked at Neji and he figured that it was his turn now.
"I am Neji,  I have Byakugon, I don't really have things that I like or dislike. Dreams? I don't know yet."
"I am Sasuke Uchiha, I have more dislikes than likes, my dream? I want to be the Hokage's personal bodyguard." I have a feeling that this is gonna be a dry bunch. They don't seem to have a lot of energy like Sakura. By the time everyone had finished sharing, dinner was done. No one was eating anymore and took all the dishes to the kitchen. I gave them their rooms and we all went to bed.

This is kinda dry, isn't it? I will try to make things more interesting soon.

I woke up around six this morning. I got a total of five hours of sleep. Everyone woke up around eleven. I set the table as they filed out of their rooms one by one. When everyone was seated, I put out the pancakes, syrup, bacon, eggs, butter, and fruit. I am going to have to go shopping tomorrow. After everyone ate and put their dishes in the sink they got ready for the day ahead of them. I was already dressed and set because my dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to wake up at six when we went to bed at one in the morning.
"Everyone meets at the Hokages office in 10, I got a message that he needs us to do a mission." Everyone was hyped up except me and Kakashi. We knew that it was either going to be a dull D rank or a chill C rank. I think that this going to be a long few years. 

Kakashi and I are the first ones at Lord Thirds' office. We came through the window causing him a start.
"Can you guys start using the door? I swear you are going to be the death of me." We just gave him a mysterious grin and waited for the three genin to arrive. They dashed through the door a few minutes later panting.
"I have a C rank mission for you. Since you have two jounins, you have harder missions because they can help you more. You are to escort this man to the land of the waves." A man half drunk walks in with a bottle of Sake.
"These are the ninja that is supposed to protect me? They look like twerps!" Sasuke shot a dirty look at the man.
"Sir, you have two jounins, Kakashi here and myself, three of the best genin, an..." I trailed my voice off, almost spilling my secret.
"What were you going to say Naruto-sensei?" Sakura asked.
"No. Sir, we will meet you at the gates in an hour." I turned to the others and told them to go and pack at least a week's worth of supplies and a few food pills. With that, Kakashi and I vanished to our separate apartments. I headed to my weapons closet and pulled out a month's worth of shurikens and kunais. I put them in smaller seals littered around my body. I pulled my orange and black katana from the corner and stared at it. It was my mother's when she was around. She and my father died when I was a baby. They died when they sealed the 9 tails in me. I also grabbed my dad's kunai and put the katana and the kunai in my largest seal on my chest. I packed a month's worth of food and food pills in one of my sealing scrolls and headed to the gate.

Kakashi and I were the first ones there.
"Hey Kashi, after this mission, care to go and get ramen with me? I am paying of course." The masked man looked away from his book and nodded. His one eye that was showing is truly something else. It was beautiful. I knew that he was toned because we were in the same classes together until he retired from his position as ANBU. 
"Sure Naru." He said. A few minutes later, everyone was there. We started our long walk to the land of the waves at a slow calming pace.

I think that this is a good place to end this chapter. I hope that this is better than the Klance and the Killugon I did.

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