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"Welcome to cross academy Ms. ___" The head master said to me. I nodded, "Thank you head master." I said quietly. "I'll have Yuki show you to the dorm where the night class stays sence its still light out." He says. I nod and I waited for a few minuets before a girl smaller than me with messy short brown hair and ugly redish-brownish eyes (BTW I hate Yuki so if u like her leave now) I sighed as I heard her talk in that squeaky annoying voice of hers. "Hi my name is Yuki!" She looked at my black- on white- attire and said "You're in the night class aren't you?" The girls a freaking genius -_- I put on a fake smile and said "Yes I am my name is ____, its very nice to meet you Yuki. Could you please show me to my dorm?" I asked. I followed the anyoing girl to the dorms of the night class she showed me to my room. I thanked her as she said "Oh and you share a room with Rima! You two will get along great!" I then said goodbye to the annoying girl and went into my room for some sleep. I looked at the bed next to mine to see a girl with short blonde hair, 'this must be Rima.' I thought to myself. 'I'll talk to her in the morning.' I thought to myself as I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Anxiouely a waiting the night time.

Vampire Knight (Senri x Reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now