No art, but cute Duolingo moment

373 19 14

So, I was doing German for the first time in thirty days (Duo was out to get me) and I was doing the story mode. I was going through each one, and let me tell you, they were cheesy.

But, then I saw "Honeymoon", and was like 'This is going to be cheesier than the date!'

So, I started reading it.

And, boy was I wrong.

And, boy was I wrong

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Eva is in a Taxi.

Taxi driver: Good morning!

Eva: Good morning! To the train station, please.

Taxi driver: With pleasure.

Taxi driver: Vacation?

Eva: No...

Eva: I have a ticket to Vienna.

Eva: Well...two tickets.

Taxi driver: Vienna is beautiful

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Taxi driver: Vienna is beautiful.

Eva: It is my honeymoon.

Taxi driver: And where is the man?

Eva: I have no man.

Eva: I have a wife and she is not easy.

Eva: She will not drive with me to Vienna. 

Eva: I am sad.

Taxi driver: I am sorry.

Taxi driver: Okay, we are at the train station

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Taxi driver: Okay, we are at the train station. 

A woman runs to the taxi.

Eva: Sophia?

Sophia: Eva!

Sophia: I am so sorry!

Sophia: I love you.

Eva: I love you too.

Sophia: I will drive to Vienna with you!

Sophia: I will drive to Vienna with you!

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Taxi driver: Have a good trip!

Okay, maybe it was a little cheesy, but way better than the other one's!

Duolingo, du sind meine favorite website!

Have a great tag/nacht/morgen/abend/noon/midnacht/any time!

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Have a great tag/nacht/morgen/abend/noon/midnacht/any time!


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