lost and found

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"I don't remember anything sir" says megan as she gets up from her hospital bed. she looks at her humongous forehead and remembers everything. "his name was josh and he grabbed me by the hand and raped me!" megan says as she grabs her hand. megan gets force fed a slice of bread as she chokes on it. she remembers when he put her in a weird metallic device and tells the police officer. " i remember he put me in a barrel, i escaped and put a different girl in the barrel and applied sfx to make it look like it was me" says megan as she starts crying. the police officer finally takes megan back to her home where she can meet her parents for the first time ever since the incident. megan goes to her room and opens her macbook. she sees a new app pop up called 'clikclok' she instantly downloads it because she sees a hot white man with contoured abs with no neck on her for you page. she continues to go down the rabbit hole until she sees a video she really likes. she saw a WHITE girl with no eyebrows and a bunch of piercings with greasy split dye hair talking about the oppression of POC people in america. Apparently while megan was in her barrel an indigenous man was shot and murdered in the street for no reason in montana. a lot of protests have erupted after that calling it racist and a bunch of different other things. megan stalked that persons page to see that her bio said big/bugself in her bio. Megan was so confused and then she saw "hello kitty says acab and 1312 with the twinkle emojis in her bio as well" megan looked throughout her page and saw that she was advocating for poc rights. in one of the videos the WHITE girl said that she went to ancestry.com and found out she was 1% native and uses it to fight for poc rights while not being called a white savior because she is 1% native. megan was so interested, she went onto ancestry.com and found out that she was 3% native, 4% black and 93% white. Megan was extremely mad! she wanted to be oppressed really badly so she decided to make a clikclok account.

Megan is found Where stories live. Discover now