1. entanglements*

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"I made you do that, huh," he said confidently, "I bet he's never made you do that."


"Draco," I groaned through a coquettish grin as I felt my boyfriend's hands ride up the sides of my thighs. He took his time, caressing every inch of my skin with his fingers.

It was midnight, the girls in my dorm had been fast asleep by the time the lights went out, I had nothing to do and I couldn't sleep. So a "what r u up to" text from Draco that was supposed to be a small distraction turned into the slightest bit of flirting. One text led to another, and boom I suddenly was in his dorm, indulging in Merlin knows what.

For some reason though, I wasn't feeling it.

It wasn't that I didn't like him or anything, I loved him. We'd been dating for over a year, I had to love him, almost like an obligation once you've committed so much time? I'm sure he feels the same... or not, who knows.

But everything between us had been run dry, even sneaking around the castle with him after hours, which usually was when we had our most fun. The rush of doing something that would most likely get us scolded for ages, make us lose points, and generally upset the administration, was always amusing to us. So for some reason, sneaking around into his dorm tonight just didn't feel the same.

You know, just the idea of risking something that wasn't of much importance to us but was still fun at the moment? Yeah, that was long gone.

At this point, one would wonder, "Why don't you just tell him how you feel, be straight forward with him?" I've tried that, and time and time again it has very much proven to go in through one ear and out through the other.

So here I am, with someone I am not sure that I enjoy being with, having one year already passed, and fully devoted to trying to make myself think otherwise. And Merlin, do I try.

Call me what you want, but the one thing I realized thus far in everything is that he did not care. He was never considerate of how I felt, what I wanted—hell, even what I had to say. As long as he was alongside me, I was willing to give in to all of his sexual advances, and people were aware of it, everything else was irrelevant to him.

Although the start of our relationship is still hazy, mostly because I am 75% sure I said yes because one, it was the beginning of year 5, and two, I was naive and felt like anyone who liked me had the genuine intent to show me the love I ached for, and three, strictly because he liked me. And at the time it was so bizarre that someone—specifically Malfoy, would be into me. Looking back, it wasn't always like this.

For some context, I saw a slight change in his efforts early in our relationship, after we had sex for the first time. When I finally agreed to lose my virginity to him, he stopped trying. It was almost as if all of his efforts were specifically for that reason. They probably were.

In a major shift of attitude, we fell into an endless cycle of gut-wrenching arguments. Ones that he always initiated and could make me pop a vein out of anger if I'd allowed myself to. This was later followed with silent treatment that never ended until he was ready to end it, and I mean hours, days, one time even a week on end with zero interaction between us that made everyone in our year question if we were together or not.

And finally, the most confusing, and bewildering part of it all, impulsive makeup sex. Which was typically used as a scapegoat to avoid ever having to talk about the unhealthy aspects of our year-long, crazed, clusterfuck of a relationship.

He was a manipulative, sexy, bastard, primarily worried about the things in his best interest. E.G; Being in a relationship that would look good for his parents, being that we were both full-blood Slytherins from relatively wealthy families, having a relatively presentable girl attached to his hip at all times, and always having someone to fulfill his sexual desires. 

F.W.B- Cedric Diggory X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now