"Althea's right. You're meant to save us... Don't you know what this is?" Trufflehunter asks. Not the reason I was aiming for but okay. He lifts the white horn and we all turn to look at it.

"This horn belonged to the Kings and Queens of old." He explains. "It's meant to call them back from their world, but it's been lost for centuries."


Caspian's POV

After receiving a lecture about Narnian history from the badger, I had set out on my own anyway. The longer I stayed with the dwarf, badger, and that girl, the longer they would be in danger because of me. Even though I had told them to let me go alone, I could hear the three of them following me. More specifically the dwarf complaining.

"I can hear you," I say, turning around to face them. The dwarf and badger peek their heads out from behind two trees while the girl remains hidden farther back.

"I know you're there too," I say louder. Her small face pops out from behind a tree, her eyes bright with laughter.

"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens," The short badger says as the girl steps out and walks over to the rest of us. I turn and walk away before he shouts something else.

"Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!"

"Maybe I'll come with you." The dwarf says, coming to follow me.

"Me too. I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs." The girl smiles and follows after as well.

"Minotaurs?" I ask, pausing and feeling slightly worried. "They're real?"

"And very bad-tempered." She nods and laughs at my reaction while moving to stand beside me. I'm taken aback and quickly turn around before any of them notice.

"Not to mention big." The dwarf says.

"Huge." The badger chimes in, motioning with his paws.

"What about centaurs? Do they still exist?" I ask and we start to move forward again. The two Narnians in front while the girl matches my pace.

"Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side but there's no telling what the others will do." She explains glancing at me sideways.

"What about Aslan?" I ask, stopping. I look to the girl for an answer but it's the dwarf who speaks.

"How do you know so much about us?"


"Wait a minute, your father told you stories about Narnia?" The badger asks.

"No. My professor." I answer shortly, my voice growing evidently heavier. "Listen, I am sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking."

We start to move again. We've barely made it five feet before the girl starts talking again.

"I'm Althea." She smiles, then motions at the two Narnians leading the way. "And that's Nikabrik and Trufflehunter. Seems only right that I introduce us, your majesty."

"Please, just Caspian. I'm not a fan of the honorifics." She just grins and nods. Her warm smile shocks me, I just naturally assumed that all Narnians would hate Telmarines like Nikabrik seems to. I lightly nod and look forward again. I hear small sniffles and look at Trufflehunter who's stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?" Nikabrik asks.


"Is it us?" Althea asks, resting her hand on one of her daggers.

"No... Them!" He says, looking behind the both of us. We quickly turn around and see several Telmarine soldiers, all armed with crossbows.

"There they are!" One shouts before aiming at the group.

"Run!" Althea grabs my hand and starts yanking me after her. I catch myself from falling and I sprint to keep up with her. She lets go as arrows start flying past our heads, sticking into the trunks of trees. I keep pace with her until she realizes that we've passed Nikabrik and Trufflehunter. She turns back and at that same moment, an arrow shoots past her. At first, she doesn't look like she got hit, then she staggers and her hand goes up to grip her shoulder.

"Go!" Trufflehunter yells. I go back to her side and start to pull her with me. She grits her teeth but comes.

We hear a grunt behind us. Trufflehunter is the one to get hit this time and Althea starts to move back again.

"Oh no," Nikabrik mumbles.

"Wait. I'll go." I say, pulling Althea behind me while moving to grab Trufflehunter. I reach him and kneel, he holds out the horn to me.

"Take it. It's more important than I am."

I quickly stuff it into my bag and throw him over my shoulder. We keep running until we hear the Telmarines start to scream. I gently set Trufflehunter down, next to Althea. She gives me a grateful look before tending to him. I turn back around and draw my sword, standing protectively in front of the three of them.

The soldiers start falling one by one. All of them slashing through the thick ferns around their legs. Something seems to be crawling around in the plants, picking them off. Only one remains. He starts wildly swiping his sword around but it's useless. The creature ends him swiftly. The ferns shake as it comes running at me. Suddenly, what looks like a huge mouse leaps out and knocks me to the ground. He's standing on my chest and my sword is knocked out of reach.

"Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine." He says while brandishing his tiny sword.

"You are a mouse," I say in almost disbelief.

"I was hoping for something a little more original." He sighs. "Pick up your sword."

I pause, confused by the fact that he would let me re-arm myself.

"Uh... No thanks."

"Pick it up! I will not fight an unarmed man."

"That is why I will live longer if I choose not to cross blades with you noble mouse."

"I said I wouldn't fight you, not that I'd let you live."

"Reepicheep!" Althea shouts. "Stay your blade." Nikabrik stands next to her holding Trufflehunter upright.

"Althea? I trust you have a very good reason for this untimely interruption."

"She doesn't, go ahead," Nikabrik says calmly.

"He's the one who blew the horn," Trufflehunter yells, finally mustering the strength to speak.

"What?" Reepicheep gasps, lowering his sword.

"Then let him bring it forward." A deep voice says from behind me. Reepicheep jumps off my chest and scurries over to Trufflehunter. I stand, sheathing my sword. I look up to see six or so massive centaurs standing at the tree line.
Thank you guys so much for all the support! I hope you all are enjoying this story so far :)

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