Part 1.2

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House of Poingopi. A peculiar name of a café which doesn't even resemble a house. An old 2 storey building located at the west side of Kota Kinabalu . A quiet neighborhood where locals and traveler alike spend their time seeking quiet refuge from the the city.

Nestled between a bakery shop and a small hostel, the House of Poingopi is heavily coated in a dark blue azure color. There were two large arch clear windows on the left side of the café. The glass double panel blue door was surrounded by yellow bougainvillea flowers which looks like a door archway. A beautiful carved white wooden bench was placed in front of the café which attracts a lot of passerby to take a selfie in front of the café.

The insides of the café was designated to provide a cozy and warm environment for customers to enjoy their time here in the café. It was nothing fancy, it was just a place that feels right at home. Unbeknownst to the outside world, House of Poingopi was a place for mistreated kids to start anew in their life or just a safe place for them to take their first step in their life.

Speaking of kids, I glanced at Mike who is now being taught by Chester, one of the café waiters, to take orders from customers and cleaning the tables. Mike was listening intently and nodding his head profusely.

Turning my head away from them, I sat down at one of the sofa chair beside the window. I opened up my laptop and started to do my work. I was mainly planning various valentine promotions for next month.

Two hours passed quickly and I can feel my neck getting stiff. I leaned my head on the chair and closed my eyes. I wished my brother, Ashton was here with me. Its been four years since he left Malaysia. We only exchange emails and he doesn't call often. He says that his work is dangerous and the less I know, the better.

I heaved a sigh and opened my eyes. As I was gathering my laptop and other things, I looked out the window and notice a big black truck was parked at the building opposite from my café. Several men were unloading and carrying things into the building. I watched them for a few seconds and went inside my office.

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