Part 1.1

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I stared silently at the young boy  in front of me. He  nervously glance around and was fidgeting with his hands.

His clothes were well worn but looks clean. His hair looks tidy and I glanced at his nails that was well trimmed and neat. I smiled at him and motion him to follow me into my office.

"Please take a seat", I smiled at him as I sat down slowly on my own chair. I carefully leaned my cane on the side of my messy desk.

"Thank you, Miss", he replied and smiled backed at me.  He stared at my magnificent desk that are filled with papers, invoices and god who knows what I bury something in those piles. I search frantically under the piles for my pen but came up instead with more papers and papers.

I finally gave up and heaved a sigh. I leaned back on my chair and caught an amused look from the kid.

"So, what brings you here?"

"My name is Ted.  Ian told me that you could help me to get a job here in your café."

I raised my eyebrows as he mention my ex-barista name. Ian was now in England, pursuing his Degree in Law.

"Ian? How do you know him?"

His cheeks turn red and with an embarrassed laugh, he explained that Ian found him on the streets  three months ago. Ian helped him to find a place to stay and persuade him to go back to school. Ted refused at first but insist to find a job instead.

But Ian was persistent. Education, as Ian told him, is a luxury for people like them. Its the only way for them to get a decent job. Ian promised him that he will get a part time job if he return back to school. So, he did. Ted went back to school. 

Ian actually had briefed me before about this kid. Ted Michael, 15 years old. He was tall and looks a bit thin. His eyes was blue which is rare in my country as all of us are black haired and have brown eyes. He was beaten and kicked out from his home by his own father after an argument. His father's new wife numerous times has tried making advances on him which was sickening seeing as Ted was her stepson and a minor.

Ian shook his head and grimaced at me.

"He was really fucked up. He was covered in bruises and blood. His left rib and right leg were broken. He was barely breathing. The only thing that I'm thankful that  he doesn't suffered any concussion. He must have covered his head while his dad was beating him up to death".

"Where is he now?"

"I brought him to Sanctuary Hostel. Brother Russel is taking care of him. I can't believe it, Alex. What kind of father would just dump his own child on the streets after beating him half to death?"

"Miss? Miss?" Ted waved his hands in front of my face.

I blinked a few times and coughed in my hand. 

"Well, Ted. You can work here under three conditions, First, you only can work here as a part timer during weekends and maybe during school breaks. Second, don't ever skipped school"

I paused for a second and smiled at him.

"Third, no lies. Don't lie to me especially if its something that could you get in danger"

He bowed his head and his whole body was trembling. I turn my head the other way as I saw him wiped his tears from his face. 

Ted took a few deep breathe and with a big smile, "Miss, thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me"

I smiled back at him and nodded. I grabbed my cane and slowly stood up. Ted made a move to help me up but I shook my head.

"Come on, let me introduce you to our crew. Oh, and one thing. Please call me Alex"

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