My Life

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Charlotte Pov:

Hi I'm Charlotte I live in Swellview since Jack didn't want to move away from this town, my life is kinda twisted I got pregnant at 18 but I had a miscarriage and Jack got upset and didn't even confront me. Now here we are with a beautiful daughter that he hardly never has time for it always work.

Jack: Good morning baby
Charlotte: morning I fix us breakfast so dig in
Jack: yeah about that I gotta head to work
Charlotte: work but I thought you took off work for the holidays
Jack: yeah but there's some thing I need to take care of in the office and can make more money
Charlotte: well can you make money after the holidays. This is Christmas Jack and you know how the holidays mean to me especially after my mother passed
Jack: (sigh) I know honey I miss your mom too but it's my job to look after her daughter now huh
Charlotte: yea I guess
Jack: good now I have head to work to make sure we are taking care of (finna walk out)
Charlotte: well actually...(grabbing Jack back) I was thinking about going back to school or take a trade to get a job, so then you wouldn't have to work so much
Jack: Char that's great and all but school your age it's not clicking no more. Besides you doing better in this house while I work to keep the bills maintaining... Let's just keep it that way ok
Charlotte: ok (as they kiss and Jack phone vibrated)
Jack: Oh shoot I gotta go (looking out the window)
Charlotte: Yeah you gotta go alright (looking out the window also)
Jack: What you say (turning back to Charlotte)

I walk with him to the front door and see him getting in the car with some women, and when he got in they look like they kiss or something. Then she got some nerve trying to wave at me I close the door before they even drive off, Why does he do this knowing it's the holidays man I wish my mom was here. I got interrupted by Katie tapping my arm and having her arms out

Charlotte: hey good morning sunshine (picking her up)
Katie: morning mama
Charlotte: wanna get breakfast
Katie: (nodding her head)
Charlotte: good come on let's eat
Katie: where's daddy
Charlotte: oh sweetie he had to work today
Katie: Ok (sounding sad)
Charlotte: hey it's ok I'm here with you (hugging her)

I love this little girl so much she was always a mommas baby she used to be a daddy one but she change sides cause of Jack's behavior, while I was eating my phone rung I look at it and it was my longtime friend Mary.

Phone conversation

Charlotte: hello
Mary: hey you wanna go to the mall with me
Charlotte: umm I don't about that cause Katie is here and I don't have nobody to watch her
Mary: get your grandmother to watch her I'm sure she don't mind
Charlotte: yea I can thank you I meet you there
Mary: ok tell Katie I say hey
Katie: hi aunt Mary
Mary: hello beautiful anyway see you at the mall
Charlotte: ok
Hang up

Charlotte: ok you going to my grandmother house ok now go get your things ready
Katie: ok (running up the stairs)

At the mall

Mary: so Jack decide to work instead of celebrating the holidays with you
Charlotte: yep I mean he knows I love the holidays especially with my mom
Mary: Yea I miss her too y'all almost did everything together
Charlotte: yea and I mean is it that hard spending time with your daughter and have of the time it's not hardly work we talk about
Mary: why you say that
Charlotte: I mean I got a feeling he just don't want to be with me anymore
Mary: look of that ever happens just let me know so I can kick him in nuts (both girls laughing)
Charlotte: I thought you liked Jack( looking at some clothes)
Mary: I mean I did but that was before I find out the way he's been treated you(going to the dressing room)
Charlotte: I mean yeah but what happen to the life I wanted. Finish High School, go to law school, getting married, kids at the right time. I mean now I'm feel like a sit at home wife while Jack do all the work
Mary: I'm sorry did you forget who I was married to I was like that too until I figure out I wasn't gonna be Jake's boy toy... I may be single(putting the dress back on the rack) but momma still fly (laughing while putting her arms around Charlotte)
Charlotte: you are(laughing)
Mary: and you are too don't let Jack get into your head now alright
Charlotte: ok
Mary: come here (hugging Charlotte) also I'm very hungry so let's go eat ok

Charlotte: man I haven't been in this part of Swellview in a while (walking with Mary)
Mary: I know it's like it's new or something
Charlotte (laughing but bump into someone) oh I'm so sorry here's your bag (picking up there things)
Stranger: oh thank you didn't have to, but Merry Christmas to you two(walking off)
Charlotte: you know something strange about her or something
Mary: you probably feel bad just running into her (turning around to look for her) Where she go
Charlotte: I don't know

Charlotte: come on let's sit down at a table (entering the restaurant)
Mary: ok
Henry: Charlotte. Charlotte Page is that really you
Charlotte: (turn around and look) Omg Henry it's been so long (getting up and hugging him)
Henry: yeah it has and Mary Scott the badass
Mary: wow it's you. You look different I remember you wearing glasses. Come sit with us
Henry: umm ok..but yeah but now I'm I got a different look now how you been Charlotte
Charlotte: pretty good I have a daughter now
Henry: oh congrats
Charlotte: thanks
Mary:Wow I just can't believe it's you we haven't seen you since high school boy you must been on top of the world
Henry: you could say that but not really (all of them laughing)
Mary: ok I gotta head to your grandmothers house cause I wanna see Katie so see you and nice to see you Henry (leaving)
Henry: you too Mary.. she's a trip
Charlotte: tell me about it (laughing), so how your life
Henry: my life is great I have a handsome son married to good women I mean I just have to say that I'm living life how about you
Charlotte: my life kind of twisted Jack never has time for me or Katie he always work but sometimes I think he doesn't love me and Katie anymore.
Henry: sorry to hear that (grabbing her hand)
Charlotte: it's fine I mean it is what it is
Henry: ok I got a question if you get the chance to go back to High School and do it all over again would you
Charlotte: I mean Senior year was supposed to be the great part of high school right but for me it was the worst. My mom died before my winter ball, got pregnant and married when I wasn't ready, I also had a miscarriage 4 days after the wedding, never got the chance to go to college or back to any other schools, and my life right now with Jack is the worst...the only good out that relationship is Katie.
Henry: I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you through it all. Cause I remember when they said your mom died on the PA system and told us to keep your family all in our prayers
Charlotte:hey it wasn't your fault that you couldn't be there I shouldn't have listened to Jack about not being friends with you anymore. But I did get flowers from someone saying "sorry for your loss, but keep..
Henry: "keep your head and everything will be alright just believe and trust". Wow you remember that
Charlotte: it was you
Henry: yeah I know I sent it 2 times on your mom's passing and 1 time after your miscarriage
Charlotte: why two
Henry: cause the first time Jack threw the flowers away I seen it through the window so I sent another one and it was in your locker. I hope wasn't bugging you
Charlotte: no you wasn't that mean so much to me, thank you(smiling)
Henry: you still haven't answer my question, would you go back if you had the power of chance too
Charlotte: I mean yeah it will be cool I guess (laughing)
Henry: (laughing)well I gotta head home
Charlotte: you still live in Swellview
Henry: actually I live in New York but I'm down here for Christmas
Charlotte: aww that's sweet spending time with Family
Henry: yeah it is umm I see you around
Charlotte: ok bye.

Wow Henry change but still has a sweethart like an angel, me and Mary stood up for Henry and his friend in High school from the big boys then all 4 of us start hanging out untill Jack told me to stop hanging out with Henry I wish I haven't done that but the good news is that we see each other again after so many years.

I went to the house since Katie wants to stay at grandmothers house. I took a shower and put my clothes I brought from the mall and look around my room. I went to my closet and got my high school memories box I look through it and find my cheerleading uniform then I see my yearbook and look inside I look at Henry signature. I went outside on the swing and look at the stars then I check the time and it almost 12 and Jack is not here yet, I look to the sky and breath out "I wish my life will have a do-over", as a shooting star came by then I went back in the house and went to bed.

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