Art? My lifestyle.

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Welcome to my world...where there is no light..


My liking for painting.

Hello,my name is Noah,and it's been rough throughout last year,why i'd say that? Simple answer. Life.

Life school is a bitch for me. Nobody likes me for what I am. Well actually it's my own fault.

I'd always stay at the classroom when recess time and paint my heart out of it. You can say that I'm a little bit emo..just..lil bit.

I'll always draw some cat,human skull or even human organs..I guess that's how most of people hate me,no that not correct. The correct word is,


they always call me a weirdo when they see my face. The last time I check my face it's totally fine. Well except for my eyes. I have a mismatch eyes colour. On the right side is blackish brown while the left side is emerald green.

My mother says my left side eye was originally blackish brown like my right side eye.

But when I was six I get into accidents and it lead to this emerald eye and my father's dead.

I'm actually totally fine with my mismatching eyes. But apparently people don't.

Back to the hard world that I'm currently living.

It's was 8 in the morning when I woke up. I lazily stand up from my bed and stretch my arms.

My mother quickly knocked on my door "Noah wake your assets up you're going late to school." Great, school, my mortal enemy.

I quickly open the door so that my mother could enter. "So, are you daydreaming again?" my mother says to me.

I shrug." gee mom I'm just sleepy that's all" I said to her. She rolled her eyes as if she know that i was lying.

"I'm your mother of course I know you're daydreaming. Now hurry up and go take a bath you're gonna get late if you don't" my mother say.

I quickly took my towels and go take a bath.

After like a short 15 minutes later, I quickly search my outfit for the day. I simply choose a short pants and a grey normal t-shirt.

I look at the mirror and do my hair.

After i'm finish with it, I walk down to the kitchen counter and sees my mother making pancakes for breakfast.

I sat on the chair nearest the tv. After my mother finish making the pancakes she quickly scold me for not sitting in the table. "Noah eat at the table right now."

I sighed and lazily stand up to sit at the table. " Mom can I just skip todays school?" I said to my mother.

I look at my mother face. Her face shows a look of pity to me. She sighed. "Noah you can't, you already skip two times. If you skip the third times I don't even know what will the principal do to you." she says.

I look down at my feet. "I'm sorry for making you worried mom." I spoke.

My mother sighed and I look up to see her smiling face.

"It's okay Noah,you are my beloved son after all, now go eat that pancakes it's getting cold and you're gonna get late to school." So I did, I ate the pancakes hurriedly and take my bags and Ipod with me.

I quickly walk to the front door and wore my worn out shoe converse. Before I left, I almost forgot something important.

"Mom! Could you get my sketchbook please?!" my mother quickly came to the front door and gave me my sketchbook. " Jeez now hurry up and go to school."

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