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Editor : JJG918 , and EnzoSarmiento

Chapter 8
"Hey! What's up, president? "
Dome greeted me in a loud voice. "Fine, vice president," I said before walking to my little angel.
"Ummm. I miss you."
"Ohhhhh, what a nice husband and wife." Maple said in a tired tone. Yu raised a hand to pat my head gently. "Ter, you’re still so childish."
"Even when we're older than this, I will always play with Yu," I said while closing my eyes. Yu laughed lightly before continuing
"If you had a girlfriend, wouldn’t they get angry? "
"So don't let them find out," I said while imitating Yaya. The woman from the movie Jan Dara, haha.
"Ok, Ok." The sweet-faced person must be feeling too lazy to argue with me. But when you think about it, if I have a girlfriend, I will really have to stop messing with Yu. Oh, it's a difficult decision. Will Sueh be alright? I turned to look at Yu and gave a light sigh.
Suddenly beeeeep beeeeep beeeep
(FYI: Its a hang up sound. Sueh picked up the phone, and then he hung up cuz he wanted to upset Hunter so I don't know how to explain lol)
Damn! He hung up… is he trying to annoy me by doing this?  If somebody asked how the relationship between Sueh and me is, I would answer that it’s the same. He is still as difficult to please as before, maybe even more. Every evening, I have to watch him practice football at the stadium. When he is finished, I walk him to the dormitory. At first, he was cursing and chasing me away, but I didn't care. Fortune favors the bold. It has been like this for more than a week. Even I am confused about how I can endure it (FYI: Hunter just questions himself why he has been so patient). Talking about entering the tiger's cave (FYI: Hunter means SEX! lol) Just forget it! Even with the tip of my nail touching him, Sueh almost broke my neck. (Poor Hunter)
***if he didn't hear it, that would be strange ......
"Did you come to see Sueh?" L asked, used to this. I nodded in response. We meet every day, and he still asks every day. Does he have any other greetings? "I came to see you," I said for fun, laughing.
"I have a girlfriend. Let me go Ter," he said, crossing his arms. Although L has never asked, I think he probably knows because he teases me about Sueh. I never denied it. Plus, his room is next to Sueh's room. If he didn't hear anything, that would be strange ...... (FYI : Hunter means if L didn't hear them having sex, that would be strange lol)
"I’m playing, it’s hard to accept. It's okay." He patted my shoulder before going under the bleachers to take a bath. Right now, only L and Sho know the story between Sueh and me. As for the others, they can only make various guesses. But no one dared to ask directly because Sueh is scary. As for me, I am too lazy to answer.
"What took you so long?" I said when I saw a frowning person walking out of the tunnel. It's Sueh in a T-shirt, tracksuit pants, sneakers and his backpack on. He's such a handsome player.
He looks slightly shocked when he sees me waiting here. He’s going to avoid me again. I already know. Sueh glances at me before walking forward, ignoring me. Am I air or what?  I sigh deeply before I immediately walk out to catch up with that shapely body.
"Are we going to pack your things to bring home?" I asked. Today is Friday. That means athletes can go home for the weekend without permission from the coach. On Sunday they have to come back to the dormitory.
"No need," he replied in a hissing tone. Okay, I didn't want to force it.  "Okay," I nodded in response.
"Next week, I won't be waiting at the stadium," I said while we walked to the front of the room. Sueh, who was using the key to unlock the door, immediately stopped. He turned to look at me with emotions that I could not explain.  Was he angry or annoyed or something… ??? I smile.
"Good!" He answered before entering the room …
He closed the door on my face. This time, he closed the door harder than ever. What is with him? I have not even explained yet.
9: Where is Hunter?
Long Leng: Hurry up, come on.
Dominique: On the day of the event, I'm going to hang all the garlands for you guys. But my only request is this: don't give Leng a chorus part hahahahaha
(FYI : Leng is a person. He is a friend of theirs and Dome trying to say that Leng sucks at singing, so don't let him sing)
LONGLENG: Damn Dome, I'm a bass player.
My Line's notification is bouncing. Normally I turn it off, but I won't be able to do that during this period. Next Friday, we will have a school band contest. Kao had wanted to compete in this contest since we were in grade 10, but I was busy traveling to France, competing in the Mathematical Olympiad, so we didn't form a band.
 (FYI: Hunter won 1st in the Mathematical Olympiad, too. He's a genius)
But this year, we are more than ready. So, let me break it down a little bit. I play the wailing guitar in the bass line. Kao is the lead vocals, plus guitar. As for the drummer, that is Ai Choo. I wonder if he has read the group line message already. And finally, Dome doesn't play anything. Haha, but we let him become the band manager. It's simple: I want him to be involved.
Hunter: Yeah, coming.
I typed in the letters and looked up at the door in front.
"I'm going ahead," I said goodbye to the people in the room, which I expected everyone to hear, and walked out. Anyway, allow me to explain.
" I'm tired," said Leng, who had vowel-shaped eyes after the fifth song
" Well, why are you jumping? If you jump a lot, you will get tired." Kao, a tall, airy, sharp, and muscular man, said. Do you remember Kao? He was the head student inspector who went to help me stop the brawl between the football club and the tennis club.
" It's true." said the good-looking drummer, Ai Choo. Someone came with new colored braces, huh? But this time, he chose pink?
" Because it's fun," said Leng. Okay, I understand.
" Prathan Band, (FYI: Prathan in thai means Head President) Who named it? It sounds super irritating," Dome entered the practice room with a full bag of games and snacks.
"It was Hunter's idea," said Choo, turning a smiley face towards me.
" It's true," I answered.
For the name of the band, I took the idea from all the members. I am the student council president. Kao is the student inspector head. Leng is the leader of the red cheering team. Choo is the president of the music club. As for Dome, he is the student council vice president. You see, we are all leaders or presidents. To use our position as a name for the band, I did not see anything wrong with it.
" But I like it. It's funny," said Kao, smiling.
"I don't like it."
I can't change it anymore, friend.
"Who set up our schedule?" I asked Dome, but he shook his head. "Mint made it. He said that our group was the last to sign up." Hmmm, I nodded.
That evening our practice was very fun. But I didn't know where to get the strength anymore to return home. We finished at almost three in the morning.
"You look so tired, huh?" my brother, Putter said as we were sitting together to have dinner.
" How can I not be tired? Yesterday, we finished so late. (hunter means they were practicing for the band contest so hard, they came home late) " I replied, picking up some sausage to eat.
(** Putter real name is Phat but Hunter like to call his the meaning of his older brother's name)
"Not a little, Hunter," my mother said.
"That’s how teenagers are" said my father, helping immediately. I really love you.
" But is there a song from Grand X?"
" I will ask Kao if he can sing 'Let's rock!'" My father gave a thumbs-up as if to say 'excellent.' hahaha. My father is a good-natured person. Playful. But when he is serious, he gives me goosebumps, too. But I think I got all of my dad's personality, and Putter got my mom's. They are both neat, strict, but kind.
From the dining table, I quickly jumped to my feet and ran to my room.  I suddenly realized that I hadn't called Sueh yet!! Today, when I woke up, it was almost 2 p.m. After taking a shower and eating, Phat called for help to bring him some things he needed in the hospital. So, I went to the hospital. I enjoyed sitting there with Phat's patients. Today, many cute grandmothers were waiting to get their teeth done. I love talking to old people. 
But now my life is going to be ruined!
"The number you have dialed cannot be contacted at this time. blablablabla."
I called nearly twenty times, but I can only hear the auto voice message. I don't want to hear this woman's voice anymore! I want to talk with Sueh. Did he intentionally turn off his phone, or did the battery run out? I'm feeling impatiently anxious. I look at the clock and saw that it was very late. Should I rush to his home instead? I suddenly threw the phone away and swooped quickly to the computer desk to access the Data Base of the council. (FYI: Hunter is trying to find Sueh's home address from the student data)
"Bastard, are you watching porn, President?" The opening words and your ending are conflicting, Dome.
"F* You"
I replied when I saw his smiling face via Face Time.
"I'll show you this," and then he picked up a square-shaped device.
Damn! Is that Novation Launchpad Professional?
"Yo, did you get it already?" I asked excitedly. Because Dome just ordered it from eBay a month ago.
" Still, what do you want?" He asked.
" To find Sueh’s address," I answered before minimizing Face Time and proceeded to scroll and look for the information in the data.
" What?" Question marks show on Dome's face. "So, it's true?" he asked. What's he talking about?
" What?" I asked with doubt.
"The rumor saying you follow Sueh around," replied Dome. His face looked very surprised.
" Yea, he's cute, " I said with a smile. Sueh is so cute! It's only me who knows. I found what I was looking for and pressed Copy Paste on his address first.
"Sueh? Cute?" he asks in disbelief. Why am I feeling a little annoyed?
"Yea," I said.
" I think Yu is cuter than anybody"
my two hands typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped
" What did you say, Dome?" I asked it again with a strange feeling.
" I said Yu is cute. You also often compliment Yu, don't you?" I was silent.
"Do you like him?" I didn't know what made me decide to ask Dome like that. The person on the screen laughed loudly.
" I used to think that if I were gay, the first person I would flirt with is Yu." Hearing the answer so suddenly, I felt strange.
" But Yu is not gay!" I said in a very unwholesome tone. I am definitely jealous because we grew up together. I know him more than anyone else. Yu likes the short hair and playful type. He especially makes delicious hash browns, too. Yu once said he would propose to me for marriage.
" Well, I don't mind anything. When I first got the news that you might be gay, I thought you were dating Yu. It turns out it's Sueh, hahaha." My heart is pounding like crazy. Are you dating Yu? Are you dating him as a boyfriend?!
"Stop talking nonsense," I said. Dome smiled.
" Don't tell me that I shook your feelings." (FYI: dome tease hunter about his feeling for Yuu)
Surprisingly, Dome's words caused the young student president to sit and think again and again. Now, he has his very beloved Sueh in his heart. But why did he have to become jealous of his best friend?
That night passed with nothing noticeable. Sueh kept turning off the phone as before. (Hunter assumed) and he did not invade the young footballers' home in any way.
"So busy, hey," said Kao when he saw that I looked pensive. Today is our last practice day because the coming Friday is the contest day.
" Are you okay, Hunter?" Leng asked. I gave him a little smile.
"There is something I have to think about." My answer did not make everyone in this practice room less confused.
" Tell them you're lovesick," Dome said.
I suddenly turn to him. Damn you, Dome. You exposed me! I will tell you why I'm so sad. Sueh fled from me to go to the football camp! There was no Sueh on the list of athletes at first. I checked. But on Sunday, I called him again, and he turned his phone off as usual. But then Cho called me to complain about the football camp. That the bedroom is small and not very private place. It made me realize the camp had more athletes from grade 10, and that one of them was Sueh. Hmph!! He will return on Friday. The day I have a band contest.
" Who are you dating?" Kao asked as I was standing up, grinding my teeth out of emotion. It's been a few days now, as well.
"Well, it's not at that step yet," I answered in a soft voice. When Sueh comes back, he can't be tempted to walk away. Even if he does get away, I have to go into the cave. Is he angry? He will have to turn on his mobile phone someday. At camp, we did stop talking on the phone for a bit. He's deliberately avoiding me.
"Who the hell can hurt our handsome, beautiful, elegant young president named Hunter?" Asked Leng. But I hate his sentence. Why is it so long?
" Sueh," I answered before scratching the guitar and playing along with Leng.
"Hey!!!!" Why did Ai’ Choo shout?
"Are you really gay, Hunter?"
I nodded before saying, "Maybe gay or Bi."
" In the past, you competed with me on women quite often," Choo said. I had a reputation to uphold. But, now, I have been converted. Hunter was a clear man.
" Now I give way to you, Choo," I answered. He laughed.
" Get out of the way. There's no need," he said before hitting the pontoon drum. It's like a funny cafe.
" Send him a message. I’m sure he has to turn it on by Friday." Damn Dome helped me find a solution. Which I would like to say
" I sent a thousand. Sent one to every messaging app, he won't reply. Not even once."
"Really hard-hearted, wow."
" Then there is only one way left," said Dom. Anyway, I agree.
" Enter the temple, make merit, release the birds, let a lot of fish, in case it causes Sueh to turn on the machine his phone"uh ooh
Then they all came together and immediately raised their hands. Amen your ass!
" You worry too much. I don't think Sueh is that mean" Really?! I looked at him impatiently. You are not me. You don't understand my feelings. Huhuhu (Fyi: Hunter's crying inside lol). I was persecuted like a slave (FYI: Hunter just being overdramatic). The word mean is too little when compared to a person like a Sueh.
One week ago, I used a tremendous amount of physical and mental strength to make Sueh feel weak in my pursuit of him. Even so, I firmly pledged not to use force and molestation (Unless he will allow me), but he will not give me love back. Instead, he cut me off, found me and cursed me, chased me away like a pig, like a dog. How could this not let the athletes spread rumors? Sueh doesn't care anyway. Plus, he still likes to leave me confused. During this time, my feelings are exceptionally fast; otherwise, with Sueh's mood, he would not be able to catch up. Love is so powerful
But about escaping from me to the football camp, I'm still sad!
" Hunter" Kao called me.
"What?" I asked back. Try to stabilize the mood.
"Do you accept or push?” (FYI: Kao ask hunter is he a bottom or a top lol)
" What?” I frowned at him a little bit. I understood the question, so I was going to answer that I am a TOP! But before I opened my mouth, he asked me again.
"Seme or Uke?" The f*ck is that? I'm confused right now, so Ummm......
"I'm a freaking UKE!" (FYI: Hunter is a genius, but he can be so dumb like other human beings lol)
I answered with confidence, of course.
Yeah, that means pushy, right??
" Yeah," the Kao nodded, then sent a light smile to me. What was that?
" Why, what do you see me as? "
" Ugh, I never saw you as anything other than that." Good, dear friend. I have a whole bar! I walked over and slapped it loudly, pleasantly. "Well, what is it Ter?" Leng asked. I turned to look at him, confusion all over my face.
" YES" I replied with pride of being the amazing Top
" This time, Ter. Prepare yourself, be prepared,” Dome said.
“Why? Why the fuck do I have to prepare?" I asked.
"Do you think only women stare at you?" Said Dome, puffing towards Kao who was looking down to set the guitar strings. “Really? I can also be the man or woman. I also want to come and ask for it.” All this gossip, I just hope it doesn’t reach Sueh's ears. "And now you are dating Sueh." Kao raised his head and asked again. This time, his sharp eyes were full of lust. " Eh, not yet," I replied with sorrow.
"So, this evening, can you take me home?" Hmm? Kao never asked me this before. I smiled before I replied.
" No problem," it’s just taking a friend home.
**Drum rolls**
Can you stop playing the drums for a minute, Choo? (FYI: Choo, the drummer of the band, did the drum rolls after Kao ask Hunter to take him home cuz he knew Kao was gonna make a move on Hunter lol )
Well, I’m not quitting again.

President Council in Love  (English Translation)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin