A little Bloody~

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"Phew, well that trial was hectic." William declared as he walked out of the trial room. He was glad that you weren't arrested.

"M-my palms were sweating like hell-" You replied as the witness was rambling on about how he saw you murder the person. But because of Henry's negotiation and other applaudable skills, the jury believed him. Not only was it because of Henry's skills but also because the forged evidence that henry had. You giggled inside as you walked away watching the witness ranting.

The case was closed as a Homicide case. If you didnt know a Homicide case is oftentimes done in self-defense and the murder or crime was never intended to be done, even so, the suspect still may be arrested. In this case, they didn't arrest you.

It has been three days since the trial and you have been living with William. Yes, it was weird but you didn't exactly see him as a "Peeping tom" or anything like that. Besides, you knew William very well. He was they type to get nervous toward some girls. Mostly you though. 

He seemed to be trying to make it less awkward but, guess it wasn't working.

"William, are you hungry?" You said, hoping to start a conversation to end this awkwardness.

"O-oh, no not really. Wait, do you remember that time when Anthony gave you a Teddy for christmas because you kept staring at one hopelessly in the mall? HAHAHA that was hilarious"

"I-i don't remind me, i was so pissed, i could've punched him."

"AHAHAHA poor Anthony. I remember he got a slap mark from you." 

"What memories..." you said sighing

"How about we continue our trip to the pizzeria?" William suggested.

"Oh, cr*p i forgot about that actually"

When you had arrived at the pizzeria, you could see Henry working on a new animatronic.
But when you went closer, you saw that there was a knife stuck onto his chest, the blood had dried, you went closer to check his pulse. There was none. He was gone. You were frozen. William trembled because he knew the look on your face. It was the look of someone who saw a dead body. He recognized it because, DuH. He's a serial killer. His best friend was gone. 

He fell down onto his knees without realizing. You quickly grabbed your phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Help, Please! My friend has a deep stab!"

"Alright, we'll be there where are you?"

"Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, two lefts from the entrance."

Only 5 minutes have passed and henry was already being brought in an ambulance.

"He'll be okay, He'll be okay." William kept muttering trying to keep his sanity.

"William, Please calm down.."

"IM CALM. IM CALM." He started muttering this. 

You sighed and the ambulance stopped. There was something in your way.

I have school and uhhh was kinda caught up in an anime and i didn't wanna keep ya'll waiting or something

William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now