"Katsuki!They found her!Oh my god!"Kirishima exclaimed in glee,wraping his arms around Bakugo who happily returns the favour..

"Yeah..Your brat is coming back shitty hair.."He mumbled under his breathe..It was so low that Kirishima didnt even manage to catch it.
He was too happy with the news..
The news of getting his sister back after a week full of emptiness and sorrow..


Shivering violently,Shigaraki threw Mako to her room.

Another 5 hour full of hell..Mako was forced to train again.This doesnt usually happen..

It only so happened whenever Shigaraki was furious of her..Not giving her all..
She didnt want to be the one causing destruction..

She wanted to USE her power to avoid destruction..

Its like stopping Destruction with Destruction..

Shigaraki slams the door of her room close.Locking it from the outside,making sure she wasnt such a fool to escape..

Mako really didnt have a chance despite her powerful quirk..
You see..
Shigaraki attached a shock bracelet on both Mako's wrists..
Whenever she tries to use her quirk,the bracelet would electricute her..

It isnt just a simple electricution..

It was like getting shocked with Denki Kaminari's Indescriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts

You may think its a bit irrational..But it isnt..
Maybe due to the fact that she has two shock bracelets with her and not one.

Wiping the stray tears from her oceanic blue orbs
Mako sat down on her uncomfortable bed.Her eyes draping over the bandages wrapped around her tiny arms and legs..

It reminded her of the hell she went through when she was with OverHaul..
The bandages absorbing the blood making it dirty.

Her once uneven cut vibrant purple locks were now even thanks to Kurogiri cutting them(pretty much forced by Shigaraki)

There were longer chunks of hair drapping over her cheeks.Framing her porcelain face.

The bitter taste of copper iron taking over her taste buds after being hit by the face by the Blue haired villain.

Reminding of all the days she had spent made her tear up again..Droplets of tears dripped down her bandaged arm.Not missing the occasional sting whenever it dropped through the bandages..

Mako had dark circles beneath her eyes as a sign of not being able to sleep properly..Almost like she has Insomia.
But it was because she was crying every single time.

Mako whispered weakly.

"I cant..take it anymore.."
She whispered again as more hot tears dribbled down her cheeks.Clutching on her hair.

Mako couldnt take it anymore..She wanted to escape and run away as far as possible..
But with the shock bracelet on her,she cant..

As soon as her eyes slowly closed,they snapped open once more at the blaring sound of the alarm..

Mako quickly sat up from the bed and arched a brow.
Not knowing what the alarm was for but it was definitely loud.

"Kurogiri!The child!'
She hears Shigaraki warn the Second-in-command of the League making her even more confused..

Thats when she knew it..

The walls of her room where busted open.
Rocks tumbling down the concrete floor creating mist from how the Stones were very dusty..

Mako coughed within the dust..

"Mako?!Mako-chan where are you!?"

Oceanic blue orbs snapped wide at the odly familiar voice..
Standing up from her bed.She ran towards the voice..

Only thing land face first on the floor.Looking at her back she saw the thin fabric her dress provided was being held down by a chunk of rock.

"I-im Here..!"
Mako screamed weakly.In hopes that they find her in time..



The violent beating of her heart was the only noise she can hear..



Her breathing un equal as she lays on the dusty yet full of little chunks of rocks concrete floor.
Weakly reaching her hand.Her vision slowly turning into a blur..

Before she got swallowed by the darkness a familiar red haired male came infront of her with a shout

The certain red haired male shouted..


And everything went black.


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Welcome to another daily friday update~!!❤️❤️

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This book is almost at its ending too~!

See you next friday~!!🍡🎉🎉

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