Chapter 12

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Third Person's POV:

Upon reaching the LoV base..Kurogiri being the second-in-command of The League of Villains allowed himself to place the unconsious girl on the bed of a spare room.
It wasnt a big bed nor was it too small..But it was enough to fit the girl from head to toe..

"I cant wait for Mako-chan to wake up~!!"Toga squeled in delight..Her grip on her knife tightened as she smiled widely.Occasionally giggling with herself making the blue haired man roll his eyes as he takes a sip on his water that Kurogiri had provided for him when they returned.

Smirking,Shigaraki rested his chin on the palms of his hand.Careful with himself so he wouldnt disintegrate in accident..
"So..Overhaul told us that the girl had a quirk that creates Destruction eh?"Shigaraki said as he circles his finger on the rim of the glass..

"It seems so..Not only just a simple word Destruction..But as in Total Destruction..Overhaul mentioned that she can create anything that involves destruction.."Kurogiri added making Shigaraki hum in amuzement..

"If we influence this little girl to be part of us..For sure we will succeed in many more missions..However.This might be an easy one"Shigaraki commented as he places each pad of his fingers on the glass making it decay into ashes..Whilst Kurogiri sighed to which he lost another glass which was just newly cleaned by him..

As the group of villains continued their talk.It was interrupted by a small squeek by the door.The villains snapping their heads towards the door..

There stood the newly awokened Mako who was rubbing the tired off her eyes..

"Ah..It seems that you have awoken.."Kurogiri said and places the newly cleaned glass on the cupboards before making his way over to Mako who was petrified.

Mako stood still in her place..Too afraid to move..Knowing she had no place to escape since she was surrounded by villains..

"Mako-chaaann~!!!"Toga squeeled in delight as she ran towards the little girl.Only to get stopped mid way by Dabi who had a tight grip over Toga's uniform collar with an unimpressed expression.

Shigaraki smirked as he crouched down at the girl
"My my Mako..Such a naughty girl of you to escape from that Overhaul bastard's hands..Be lucky your with us..For we will make you a part of us"He said only making the little shaken by his wicked words.

She didnt know what to do..Should she run away?No that would be too risky..Use her quirk?No!Shigaraki would disintegrate her!

Shigaraki smirked as she motioned the girl to sit down on one of the bar stools to which she complied.Yet kept her head hanging low,avoiding the villain's ferocious bright red eyes that seek greed in killing the Number 1 Hero All might.

Being a skittish girl Mako is, a few tears dribbled on her porcelain cheeks only making Shigaraki more happy to be feared..Not only was he feared by everyone, he even managed to make this girl cry without saying a word..

"Dont start crying on me now Mako..I have to let you know everything I plan..Since you will be the newest vessel in defeating All Might and end this corrupted world full of fake heroes"Shigaraki spoke as he scratched his neck like he always does.

Tears continuesly dribbled down your cheeks.Silently praying that a Hero would come and save her..

She had enough..

After all the torture she had gone through under the authority of OverHaul she almost gone insane..

Not only was she trapped in an entirely empty room that had pearly white walls and a uncomfortable bed..But she was only having 1 meal everyday.

Her sudden glowing made the whole league shocked..

Thats when they had realized that..

She was using her quirk..

Shigaraki squinted his bright red eyes as his rather uncomfortable hand ushers towards Mako's unknowingly glowing body..

Only to hiss in pain when his hand received a painful electric shock..Shaking his hand slightly as he scruches his face in annoyance..

But it only got worse..Mako glowed brighter as they noticed small purple electricity sticking out in random places..

Mako was shaking.Not in anger..But in fear..She didnt want to be with the League..

"Oi brat what do you think your doing!?"Exclaimed Dabi whose eyes were wide as he stares down the glowing girl sitting across Shigaraki..Ignoring his comment she only grew more afraid and shaked even more..

As soon as she was shaking violently,the whole apartment started to shake violently aswell making the whole league highly alert of what was going to happen..

The newly wiped glass that Kurogiri placed down the cupboards exploded into shattered pieces..The microwave opening and closing violently..The doors swinging open and close violently creating loud banging sounds whenever it closed..

The league was holding on to their closest object..

Shigaraki stared at her in both awe and a tiny bit of fear..

He knew that her quirk was extremly strong..But not this strong..

The window panes of the League of Villains Hideout was shattered into pieces..Mirrors were shattered into pieces aswell..

The violent clinging noises of the kitchen utensils were audible by everyone..

Thats because it was a Whole Destruction..

It wouldnt be called Total Destruction if it werent this violent..Mako can seriously create any destruction with her quirk.

Toga squeeked in fear when one of the mirrors close to where she was at shattered into pieces..

Releasing a rather loud scream..The whole apartment only shook even more violent..

More glass exploded..The doors began to break in shedded pieces..

Dabi leaves no other choice..He walked towards Mako..The whole apartment was still shaking so violent almost making it possible that just go there and make you unconsious in seconds..

Finally reaching,he squinted his eyes before he choped Mako's neck making her fall unconsious on the cold ground..The shaking had stopped in an instant..

Shigaraki stared at the unconsious little girl..Only his smirk growing wider and wider..

While the league was cleaning up the whole mess,Shigaraki remained seated on the stool chair with his chin rested on the palm of his hand..

"Such powerful quirk...Oh how I love to use you for a new vessel..."



Friday update for the day!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️


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Love ya'll~❤️🌻

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