Chapter 5

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Third Person's POV:

Who was that..?

Mako talked to herself..Still in her panicing state not even realizing the damage she had already caused in the room.

A sudden grip on her shoulders made the girl shudder in fear..

"Mako!Its me..!Kirishima!Stop it!Thats enough!"The said male pleaded the young girl in hopes that she would stop.

But luck wasnt in his side..Infact,it only made the girl's situation much worse
Whips of black matter made its way to Kirishima..

The black whips began to whip themselves on the boy who had activated his Hardening quirk to protect himself from it

"Mako-chan..!"Kirishima pleaded once more but the girl didnt budge at all.She continued to panic..

Tragic memories coming from her head..
Every scenario where she had suffered..

Kirishima finally got a hold of the girl and made Mako face him.His face full of determination

"Mako-chan..Look at me..Look at me.."Kirishima said as soft as he can so the young girl would not panic much more and cause any destruction..

Mako's eyes slightly opened.Tears escaping from her lovely violet vibrant eyes as she stares at the male.Whom she had renowed as her brother..

"Look at me..Mako-chan thats enough..Dont think of any of those traumatizing moments and look at me.."Kirishima reasurred bringing his thumbs up to stroke the girl's pale cheeks which had tears drying up.

Mako looked at his eyes..Those crimson red eyes.."K-kiri..nii san.."she whimpered,more tears dribbled down her cheeks.

Kirishima beamed out a smile and wiped away the tears"Shh..Thats right calm down..No one is going to hurt you alright?No one..!Not in my watch!"

Soon after a painful 15 minute wait.Mako finally calmed down and snuggled againts her beloved brother's chest who had been giving her comforting words up until now..

"Thats a good girl..Relax Mako..Just relax"The male reasured once more as he rubbed Mako's back.Who was sobbing furiously in his chest after what she had just done.

"Ah..Recovery Girl-san..May I bring Mako to the Classroom?It seems that she wont be letting go of me this easily"Kirishima said nervously earning a nod from her..

"Ofcourse..!Let me just remove her IV and she is good to go"Recovery Girl replied before she picked up a silver tray with the tools she needed for a successful removal of Mako's IV.

Kirishima knew that this girl will take alot of comfort and support..And so he will have a little trouble taking care of her.But that didnt stop him at all

After Recovery Girl placed a band aid over the pierced skin which the IV needle was in,she nods her head in signal that she was free to go.

He carried Mako in his arms.Thanking the lady before he left the room and made his way to his Classroom.Good enough,their Aizawa Sensei didnt mind at all after an explaination.

Although there werent any seats available for Mako to sit,Aizawa took the extra stool from his desk and gave it to her so she can sit beside the red haired male.

Keeping herself in company,Kirishima gladly gave her pieces of paper and a pencil to draw on while he was on his class..

"Mako-chan..?Are you comfortable?"Kirishima asked while he looks at the young girl who was busy doodling on the paper he gave.

Mako shooked her head for Yes and continued to doodle.Good thing for Kirishima,Mako wasnt the type of a 5 year old to be so loud when its older sibling brings them to school for emergencies..

Thus,the other teachers didnt really mind that Mako was in class aswell.They understood her situation  so they had no choice atleast she was silent.

But there are times where she would listen to the Class discussion aswell..Just like Mathematics.Surprisingly,Mako was actually fond with Math equations and stuff that she wanted to answer the problems aswell..

Right now..Class 1-A were in the middle of their English Class..
But sadly Mako was already bored with just doodling around.

So she lightly poked her brother who was busy taking notes

"What is it Mako-chan?"Kirishima mumbled questionally and didnt bother looking at her direction

Mako didnt say a word,and raised Kirishima's hand only for it to land on her soft hair..In indication for head pats.

Which Kirishima complied and did the action during their discussion.One hand for taking notes and one hand for Head pats.

Ding Ding Ding Ding..!!

The bell ringed.And also the end of English Class..

And bow it was time for lunch..!

"Hi there Mako-chan!Im Mina!"The pink haired girl greeted in delight making the young girl look up to her.

She noticed how they can smile just so easily..

"Are you a friend of Kiri-nii san?"Mako asked earning a slight pinch of the person she was talking about..

"Ofcourse she is..!"Kirishima replied while he was busy settling down his things and get himself ready for lunch.

Finally standing up,Kirishima picked up the young girl which she nuzzled her head on the male's neck.

"Aww..You already look like a responsible brother Kirishima-kun!"Mina cooed at the sight of both Kirishima and Mako..

Kirishima only laughed nervously"Well..I only had Mako-chan for 3 days..So why not act like a big brother when she wants one?"

A ball of blonde hair came to them with his hands inside his pockets as he scoffed

Mako took a peek of the new arrival and observed him..

"Ah Mako-chan..!This is Katsuki Bakugo..He is my lover"Kirishima proudly introduced while the blonde male crossed his arms

(A/N:Ok ok I know some of you dont ship KIRIBAKU..But since your beloved Author-chan here is a die hard fan so Im sorry for those who ship it..!!)

Mako hummed as she made grabby hands.In indication that she wants to be carried by the said male

"Hah.!?What do you want?"Bakugo complied while he was glaring at the young girl doing grabby hands

"Oh c'mon Bakubabe..Just do it"Kirishima said only making the blonde male furious.

So he had no choice and brought up the young girl to his arms.

"Wow.Your suprisingly fucking light for a 5 year old"Bakugo said as he made his way out of the classroom along with his boyfriend and the girl in his arms.


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