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The crowd cheers as the clock runs out and the Ducks win. Harvey skates onto the ice and hugs her big brother, who hugs her just as hard. He pulled away and put his hands on her shoulders, shaking them as he looks behind her.

    "I think Adam wants to talk to you, Harv. I'll talk to you later, I've got some business to attend to." Harvey chuckled as her brother skated towards Mindy, who had been eyeing him since she stepped onto the ice. As he skated towards her, Harvey saw Scooter pull Julie towards him, kissing her.

    "Plot twist of the century, huh?" Harvey turned all of her attention to her boyfriend and nodded. Adam wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her close to him. "You did great, babe. I'm proud of you, we all are." She didn't need him to say it again to know he didn't mean her team or friends, but her dad. Their foreheads rested against each others' as they just looked at each other.

    "Kiss her, Banksie!" They both saw Dwayne, Guy, Averman, and Goldie, standing there, waiting for them to kiss. Adam looked back at the very happy girl and put on his hands on her cheek, pulling her closer to him as they kissed. The group of boys cheered as Harvey smiled into their kiss.

    "I love you, Banks." He smiled as her team came skating towards them, smiling the biggest cheeses they could. "I love you guys." Everyone was hugging each other, and cheering, everyone besides Charlie. Harvey looked around and saw him and Linda kissing. "I knew he would grow a pair." Adam came up behind her and draped his arm over her shoulder.

    "Team bonding later at the carnival?" He nodded his head as he pecked her lips once more, making her smile even wider, if that was possible.

    "You know it, Mendoza."



Harvey drove down the street as she made her way to the school, hoping Dwayne and Connie had gotten her message about meeting her outside. It was Adam's nineteenth birthday and she was supposed to be in California for a vacation to visit their cousins with Luis. But Charlie had the great idea of having the best birthday gift Adam could want, his girlfriend. She pulled up to the school and parked before getting out and walking towards her friends.

    "Harvey!" Connie ran towards her best friend, pulling her into a hug as Dwayne came up running behind her, joining in on the hug. "I missed you kid." Harvey laughed as she pulled away from the two. "Where's Luis?

    "I missed you guys too. He comes in next week, he and Mindy are celebrating their three years, or something like that. Where's Charlie and the guys?" Connie explained that they were waiting in her room, waiting for her to get home so that they could see her before she surprised Adam at twelve a.m., exactly when his birthday started. It was eleven thirty so she had half an hour before Adam's surprise. Connie, Dwayne, and Harvey made their way up to her room and unlocked it to see all of her friends. Dean and Charlie ran at her, pulling her into a tight group hug as the rest of her friends piled in. "Ugh, you assholes, do you know how much I hate going to see my mom's side of the family?" She pulled away from her friends and laughed. "I'd rather not get forced to wear dresses and curl my hair all day everyday." Her friends laughed as they all sat down around the room and talked about what they had missed. "The rest of my stuff is in my car. Char, Dean, wanna help?" The two boys nodded as the three of them walked out of her room, leaving the rest of their friends.

    "Dean, how's Jackie?" Jackie was the girl Dean had met over the summer, and she was the only girl that was just as tough as him.

    "She's great." The three quickly got her bags out of her car and made their way back up to the room. Ten minutes until she could see Adam again. She hadn't seen him in two months and she was excited. Harvey and the two boys made their way into the room and dropped all of her stuff on the bed.

    "I'll finish this tomorrow." She had five minutes now and she was very nervous, not because she was going to see him, but because she missed him and she wanted it to be perfect. "Now, let's surprise my boyfriend." Harvey and the rest of her team made her way to the boys side of the dorms. Guy had opened the door for her and everyone watched in happiness as she walked towards a very sleepy Adam. Harvey sat down on the side of his bed and kicked off her shoes before moving a piece of his hair out of his face and whispering in his ear. "Adam, babe, wake up." She shook him a little bit before he began to stir. Adam sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking at the girl in front of him.

    "Harvey?" His eyes soon opened completely as his smile grew

    "Hey Banks, you miss me?"

You've come to an end.

Cake Eater is over and I plan on publishing Bandit in a month or two. But in the mean time, while you wait, I HAVE A FEW OTHER BOOKS.

Oliver Wood x OC
Sorcerer's Stone - Deathly Hallows pt. 2

Adam Banks x OC
The Mighty Ducks 3

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