~chapter 4~

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"what the fuck is that" Draco sage clearly not thinking it was from my dad hitting me.

"what?" i say acting clue less.

"don't act dumb Athena....what is it" he says. i want to tell him but i cant.

"none of your business" i say and jump off the counter and walk into my room leaving him there alone in the bathroom. classes don't start till tomorrow so i decide to go to Blaises dorm because i remember him saying that his roommate wouldn't be there.

i change into a different outfit (shown above) and walk to his dorm. once i'm there i knock on the door and i hear shuffling and then the door unlock, he has just grey sweatpants on and i bet i have drool dropping down my face. "oh hey Athena" he says looking me up and down.

"hey Blaise" i say smiling,

"you can come in if you wish" he says, i smile and walk in. "so what brings you here tonight" he laughs.

"well i didn't have much to do so i decided to come because i remember you saying your roommate wouldn't be here" i say

~ Blaises pov~
Athena is sitting on my bed and she is so stunning i think i might like her but i don't know and i don't think she feels anything for me so i have to take it slow. even though i've known her for 5 ish years now it feels like i'm just now seeing her,it's weird.

~ Athenas pov~
i'm sitting on his bed and we are making small talk then begin having conversations about his family and my mom. it's so hard just talking about my mom and not including my mother or brother. i feel tears prickle at the sides of my eyes but i quickly hide them. "so tell me a little bit about your parents" he says "oh wait i completely forgot you have a brother, James right?" he says. it's sad. he has no clue. "yeah James. Well he obviously doesn't go to Hogwarts anymore because of him transferring but other than that we still talk as much as possible. and for my parents it's pretty much same old parents" i just pulled that lie right out of my ass. i think he bought it because we have been talking for hours it feels like. he's a nice person to talk to.

~ Dracos pov ~
it has felt like hours since Athena left and i don't know where she went. probably to someones dorm. God i hate her. a good bit of time goes by so i decide to go to the great hall for dinner. i walk in and only pansy is at the table. she is so awful. about 10 minutes later Blaise and Athena walk in hand in hand. why am i not surprised.

~ time skip to a week into school~
The first week went by quickly but of course i already have homework. i have potions as my last class with Blaise,Draco,Pansy,Crabbe,and Goyle. today we are supposed to be getting assigned seats and i'm hopping i get Blaise. we've gotten a little bit closer since the first day. i walk in and almost hit the wall from focusing on my books. i'm sitting down next to Blaise as professor snape loudly walks though the door and tells everyone to stand up and get ready for new seats. " Mr Zabini and" my heart is racing " Ms Parkison" what. the. hell. crabbe and goyle get parred together along with ron and harry. "Mr Malfoy and Ms Goldsmith" snape says "WHAT" i whisper shout "is there a problem Goldsmith?" snape says. "nope all good" i move and sit next to Draco.

" turn to page 396" snape says. we turn our pages and see that it's talking about a potion i've never heard of. "follow the ingredients and that will be a grade for this potion" Snape says sternly and sits behind his desk and starts to write something with his quill. i look down at the page and grab the needed ingredients. "you aren't going to fuck this up are you?" Draco says with attitude. "be quiet Malfoy" i say and go back to doing the potion.

~30 minutes pass~
Snape walks by our table and takes a close look at our potion "very good Ms goldsmith and Mr Malfoy" Snape says "class dismissed. i walk out and go to the bathroom before heading back to the common room. i mutter the password and see everyone is sitting there "hey Goldsmith come sit" Blaise says. i walk over and sit next to him.

"let's play a game i'm bored" pansy says. "ok sure what game?" i ask. "how about truth or dare?" Blaise suggests. "okay sounds fun" everyone says.

Shits about to go DOWNNNNN
anyways don't forget to vote 😏

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