Year One.

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Mother and Father ran through the Platform first to show me how it's done.

I chased after them with my eyes closed, nervously anticipating a crash into the brick wall. When my trolley never collided with anything, I opened my eyes and stopped, taking in the view around me. The Scarlet train labeled "Hogwarts Express" seemed enormous, more excited than the students bustling all around me and ready to spring into action at any second to take us to Hogwarts. There were so many witches and wizards on the platform, talking and laughing, parents hugging their children and crying, some already boarding the train and stowing away their luggage. One kid was running through the throngs of people, looking frantically for someone called Trevor.

"Come along, Sloane," Mother smiled and rested a hand on my back, guiding me toward the train.

We passed a red-haired family, all wearing hand-knit clothing. They looked so happy, laughing at two tall and lanky boys that were definitely twins. One boy looked my age, and he was the only one not laughing at his brothers; instead, he was looking around nervously. I was nervous too, but he looked nearly distressed.

I guessed they were the Weasleys. I didn't know them personally, but I had heard the Malfoys talk about them with disgust. After seeing them, I wasn't sure why.... They seemed like a nice, loving family.

"Mummy, where's Draco?" I asked as Father was passing my larger bags to a man who stored them in the train... somewhere.

The Malfoys weren't hard to miss. They always had the nicest robes and carried themselves with such an air that the crowds would part around them. Not to mention, Draco and his father had the blondest hair I had ever seen, which no doubt would stand out.

"I'm not sure, Love." Mother sighed, "Perhaps he's already on the train. Would you like to board now?"

I shook my head, "No... I'm afraid."

She bent down to my level and cupped my face in her hands, "afraid? What for?"

"What if... what if I'm not sorted into Slytherin?" I felt tears stinging my eyes, but I tried to keep them from falling.

"Oh, Love." Mother hugged me tightly. "It's all right. You'll be sorted into whichever house is meant to make you great."

The tears started to fall, but I was too choked up to tell her that my biggest fear wasn't whether or not I would be great. My biggest fear was losing Draco.

"Sloane, you have ten minutes before the train leaves, I think you'd best go find yourself a seat." Father interrupted.

Mother stood and Father took his turn hugging me. Mother was the warm one in our family, always giving the best hugs and took time to listen and play games with me. Father was more logical and less friendly, but he loved me deeply... even if he didn't show it with affection. Our hug was awkward, but when I saw his eyes glistening with tears, I knew he meant it.

"I'll miss you," He gave a small smile and ruffled my auburn hair, that looked just like Mother's.

"You're going to be perfect." Mother grinned, tears finally spilling down her cheeks, "Study hard, make friends, and don't forget to write. We'll see you for Christmas!"

"And don't get into trouble." Father said, lifting a brow at me, like he always did when he was warning me not to do anything bad.

"Right," I smiled. "See you soon!"

I boarded the train and searched several cars for that familiar head of slicked back platinum hair. After passing dozens upon dozens of empty or already occupied cars, I stumbled upon a busy one and grinned from ear to ear.

Distant Memories; A Draco Malfoy love story. Where stories live. Discover now