Haunt You Every Day

Start from the beginning

“What’d Mrs. C want?”

Robotically, Geviana explained everything that went down in Mrs. C’s office, leaving out all the parts that included her personal relationship with the Ridgels.

Ashley let out a low whistle when she heard about the sum, and her already large eyes widened to the size of saucers.

“Holy crap. Boss, this is amazing! You…I…ah…” The young girl seemed to be at a loss for words like her boss.

“Should I schedule the appointment for you?” Ashley offered, her eyes still wide with awe and amazement.

It was times like this that made Geviana grateful that she had Ashley. Mutely, Geviana handed Ashley the business card, and Ashley was blissfully unaware of the immense looks of gratitude and relief that Geviana was sending her way. With Ashley’s easy chattering in the background, Geviana gathered all her materials needed for this meeting. She was a professional, and she was not going to let anything get in her way.

And that was how, twenty minutes later, Geviana was standing frozen like a statue in front of the steel and glass building that was Ridgel Towers.

Holy crap. What on earth possessed me to come here?

Panic was flooding through her again. The frighteningly calm façade she had back in the taxi ride on the way over was rapidly falling apart. She was seriously considering bolting and thinking that it wouldn’t be such a terrible experience to be fired.

Not a chance in hell. Fuck it. I am going to get this ten million dollar contract, and when I’m done, this place will look so damn good they won’t know what hit them. Screw Kyle and Christopher!

Breathing heavily, and holding her head up high, she exuded confidence as she walked through the revolving doors. Only those that looked a big closer would see the nervousness in her eyes, and the embarrassment that was tearing her apart at the seams.

Her black peep toe heels clicked against the ugly blue tile of the lobby, and Geviana mentally noted that those would definitely have to be changed. The lobby of any building had to make a statement. Currently, the statement of Ridgel Tower’s lobby was: we are from the 1800’s and we occasionally have bingo tournaments for the elderly. The structure of the building itself was beautifully constructed. The center of the roof of the lobby opened up into a gorgeous sky light in the roof, with beautiful pointed arches at the top. The structure was very Gothic in architecture and held a 1920’s kind of energy that Geviana liked.

The sound of her heels clicking drew the attention of everyone in the lobby, and heads turned to stare curiously at the beautiful woman as she walked confidently through the lobby. However, she didn’t even notice it, as she was too busy eyeing the lobby critically with her designer’s eye. Finally reaching the circular front desk, Geviana warily eyed the young mane there who was looking at her like she was his own personal savior.

“M-may I help you ma’am?” he stammered. It wasn’t every day that a woman who looked like her walked into Ridgel Towers. It was mostly grump, old investors.

“I’m from Chrysanthemum Designs. I have an appointment with Mr. Christopher Ridgel.” Geviana flashed the poor boy a sweet smile, slightly amused as he flushed. Hurriedly, he dialed a number into the phone, murmured a few words while staring at Geviana, and nodded his head.

“You’ll be meeting with the PR rep and Vice President of Ridgel Towers, Mr. Alexander Reed. He’s the one that hired you. He’s on the very top floor, same as Mr. Christopher and Kyle Ridgel.”

Geviana felt her heart sink. Oh Gods, was she going to have to meet the both of them?

She didn’t even hear the guy at the front desk eagerly offering to show her the way as she made her way toward the elevators in the rear of the building. The elevators were made of glass all around, and as well as being able to see the interior of the building, the elevators had a fantastic view of the outside, as well. This place was gorgeous, but it most definitely needed an updated look.

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