Chapter 2

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This night wasn't nearly as interesting as the last one even though today, on 1st August was my 16th birthday. I never liked birthdays, not even mine. Everyone made such a big deal about it especially about the 16th which I could never understand.

This day will be exactly like every year before: my parents will be way too excited while I pretend to like the presents they picked out for me.
Just when I started walking down the stairs I already heard my family sing "Happy Birthday, dear Maddie. Happy Birthday to youuu!". I reached the end of the stairs and hugged all of them tight.

My little brother Marcel proudly picked up his present from the table and held it right in front of my eyes. It was small and wasn't heavy at all. Wondering what he got me I carefully opened the packaging. It was a chain with a little moon which was set with tiny diamonds.

It was really pretty and I put it on right away which made Marcel's little eyes glow and put a big smile on his face.
The other presents were from my parents, grandparents and my aunt. They all contained either sweets, clothes or random small things like nail polish.

I thanked my parents and just as I was about to go to my room and change a loud bang made me turn around. It sounded like something big hit the front door.

My parents slowly opened the door but there was nothing there what could've made that noise. But there was something laying there. Something small and thin. I didn't see what it was until my dad picked it up.

To my surprise it was an old looking envelope with a huge red stamp on it. "To Mrs.Madison ... . Alnwick, UK. From Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." my father read out loud.

"Witchcraft and Wizardry? What kind of joke is this? Maddie did one of your Friends send this?", my mom asked while looking at me confused. "I don't think it's from my friends. Can I please have a look and see what's inside?, I asked them reaching for the envelope. My father hesitated but gave it to me anyways.

I carefully ripped open the envelope which contained a thick parchment. I pulled it out and read it:

"Dear Madison Hale,
we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. We await you on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 21st August. To avoid detection by Muggles, please use the entrance located at Kings Cross Station Downtown London, on Platform 9 3/4. The train leaves at 11 a.m. This letter is usually delivered on the 11th Birthday but you will meet Hagrid at the Leaky Cauldron on 13th August who will explain everything. We look forward to having you at our school.
Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

I looked at the parchment again. Above the letter I saw an emblem which showed a lion, a snake, a badger and an eagle.
It looked weirdly familiar but I couldn't tell where I've seen it before.

Just to make sure I wasn't dreaming I read the letter once more. One sentence caught my attention: We await your owl...
Could it be possible that the owl I saw yesterday actually delivered this letter to me?
Was there any chance that magic exists?
Or was I dreaming and was going to wake up any moment?

I didn't want this to be a dream but it kind of sounded too good to be true. I had to find out if it was and go to the Leaky Cauldron even though I have no idea where or what it is...
Although the hardest thing will probably be to convince my parents to meet up with a stranger let alone going to a Wizard school which was probably miles away.

I've never really thought about whether magic exists or not but I'd surely love to find out.
This was my chance to do that.

I looked up. My parents still staring at me in disbelief. "I want to go to the Leaky Cauldron on 13th August, please. Even if it's supposed to be a joke I've got nothing to lose, do I?"

After a long and silent pause my dad cleared his throat and said, "You can go. But only under one condition: One of us will come with you to meet that Hagrid guy."
My mother didn't look as happy about what my father just said but eventually nodded reluctantly.

I've never been so excited yet nervous. The days rushed by like the blink of an eye and finally the day on which I would find out the truth had come.
The day before, I picked out my nicest outfit and put some money in my bag in case I'll need it.

Since I've never even heard of The Leaky Cauldron i had to google it and found out that it was in London. In Charing Cross Road to be precise.
To my surprise it was a pub and I wondered if I was even going to be allowed to go inside.
But whoever wrote the letter must've taken care of that, I told myself.

My dad drove me because my mom was sick and had to stay in bed. My dad kind of looked like he was more nervous than me even though I didn't think that was possible.

We didn't really talk much while we were driving but I could see that he was sometimes looking at me as though he wondered what was happening inside my mind.
But I simply ignored it and looked out of the window watching the clouds and hills passing by.

Shortly before we arrived at the agreed address my father said, "I know I promised to come with you but in my opinion he should explain everything without me standing next to you the whole time. Besides, I have something to take care of here in London. Just don't tell your mother and call me whenever you're ready to be picked up, okay?"
As an answer I nodded silently.

After saying goodbye to my dad I got out of the car and slowly started walking down the street. Already from afar I could see a small sign in the form of a cauldron which said "The Leaky Cauldron"in golden letters.

The second I stepped in I heard a bell ring above my head. It was a small and crowded pub with people wearing strange hats and outfits. Behind the counter I saw a man with a crooked back smiling at me. Not knowing what to do and trying to be polite I simply smiled back at him.

I looked around of me. Some people were looking at me while others were either drinking or reading the newspaper.
Something seemed weird about them. After I took a second look I noticed what it was.
The pictures were MOVING?

Still not believing what I just saw I rubbed my eyes but I was right. They were in fact moving!
Just as I tried to find a good explanation I saw a huge man standing in the corner of the pub with a beard, black hair and a sign in his hands with my name on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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