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 Sitting in a empty waiting room was not a good sign. Before I could visit Nesi in her hospital room, the doctor stopped me from going inside. He looked concerned, worried and stressed about what to do next. I tapped my shoe against the white tiles. Hearing silence for the first time kills me inside.

He stood by the door exhaling a deep breath. In his hands he held a brown clipboard with blank papers. He sat down besides me. Slowly, he placed his right hand on my knee giving it a little shake.

"She'll be released sooner than I thought. Her wounds are healing faster than normal." The doctor reviewed through his notes he took over the examination process for Nesi.

I looked at him curiously. "Why are you acting like this is a bad thing? That's incredible news, doctor!"

He sighed and nodded. "It is great news, I know. It's just that her family, relatives, or even friends haven't called for her. We've seen the way her mood changes when you're around. Without you she is quiet as a mouse."

"So you're saying she'll be alone when you release her. I'm not really understanding why you're telling me this." I crossed my arms over my chest. It was great news from what I'm hearing. He acts as if it is a bad thing that Nesi is going to be released soon.

"I just want you to be here for her until she's released. Seeing our patients smiling makes the whole world for us. After she is released then we'll try to contact her family one last time. But she is at that legal age to be on her own. It's tough when you have amnesia and don't remember things." He finally stood up and made his way towards the door.

"Okay, I'll be here for her." I smiled. He smiled back nodding his head reassuring that it will be the best for her.

I sat in the waiting room for a couple more minutes to think about things. Once I felt like the time I spent thinking was wasted, I walked to Nesi's room to go and make this last week the best for her. I softly knocked on the door. She glanced at me from staring out her hospital window.

I closed the door behind me. She smiled at me before resuming staring out the window.

"What are you looking out at there? Do you see Santa Clause or something?" I joined her by the window sofa.

She laughed and shook her head. "No! I just wondered what it's like to be out there. How people get to travel the world and see different places."

I smiled. "Traveling is fun. It's just time that's crazy you know? Like, it could be morning and the sky looks beautiful. Two minutes later it's pitch black at 3 o'clock a.m and you're wondering what you did that day to make time pass so fast."

"I can relate to that." She fogged the window up with her breath and drew a palm tree.

"Palm trees, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Nesi asked as she continued to drew a cornered sun on the side.

I laughed. "Your drawing is a palm tree. California has palm trees everywhere. Those are my favorite trees." I fogged up the window with my breath and drew palm trees resembling to hers.

"Do you like music?" she asked randomly. I smiled big when she asked me that. I glanced down at her wrists and saw a inked tattoo on her wrist. It was a little heart that had "music" written inside it.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I love music! I can actually play a couple instruments." I wiggled my eyebrows which caused her to laugh. "I see that you have a tattoo on your wrist. I'm guessing you like music too?"

She shrugged her shoulders and glanced down at her wrist. "I didn't even know I had this." Nesi gently rubbed her thumb over the her tattoo. "Do you think I'll ever get out of this place? It gets kind of boring here."

When she asked me that, I thought about what the doctor told me earlier. What's going to happen if I let a complete stranger in my home? I mean, Nesi seems like a nice, and genuine girl, but what are the others going to think?

Right when I was still in the process of thinking about inviting Nesi to my home, the doctor walked in with a girl right behind him. He grabbed a chair and looked down at his papers. "Today must be your lucky day, Nesi."

"You're going to give me a million dollars?" She perked up and got excited. I couldn't help, but crack a laugh.

"No, but I think it's pretty close to that. You get to go home today!" The doctor smiled and handed the patient release forms to me.

She looked confused for a second. "But I don't have a home. Are you putting me out on the streets?"

He took her hands in his. "No! This lovely man sitting next to you will take you with him. It is far too dangerous for you to be by yourself since you don't remember anything. I would let you stay here for a little longer here at the hospital, but you're healing very fast than expected and other patients need your room."

Nesi looked over at me. It looked like she didn't want to live with me, but she shrugged her shoulders and simply said, "Okay, I guess."

One of the nurses helped her pack her things and get ready for releasing her. On the other hand, I had to sign a lot of papers. The doctor went through a thick packet about what the medications Nesi will be taking and the answers to some questions about things that I had no idea about. We thanked the doctors and the nurses as we left the hospital.

I held onto Nesi's things as she walked behind me. She was always looking around trying to take in and observe the surroundings such as the sky, the trees, and different cars. Once we got to my car, I put her bags in the trunk and opened the passenger door for her. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Get in." I said.

"Can I drive?" She asked.

"Are you crazy? You just got released from the hospital and don't know your way on the roads. No, I'm driving." I pointed my finger towards the seat. She sighed and got inside. I drove our way back to my LA house.

Nesi took a short nap while I was driving so I had to wake her up. She rubbed her eyes and looked through her window. "You live here?"

My house wasn't a mansion or anything, but it wasn't a small house. There were two levels with spacious bedrooms just in the guys come over or incase my sister and my parents came to visit.

"Yeah, welcome to mi casa." I smiled and helped her out the car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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