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I stared at Cassian for a while. I looked him up and down. "He's not coming with me"", I declared, folding my arms. Cassian gave me a slow smile. "Yes, I am", he sing-songed, leaning against the wall. I grit my teeth. He could be so annoying. Feyre watched me carefully, as if expecting me to burst into flames. I felt claws carrassing the icy walls in my head and I let Rhysand in before showing him a gory image of his body shredded into tiny pieces and shoving him out of my mind. "Anything to say, Rhysand?" I asked, amused. He watched me coldly, his eyes narrowing. He whispered something to Feyre and I could see her trying to keep back a smile. "You'll want to pack soon, I expect", Mor drawled. I fixated my attention onto her. "That's assuming I'll even go", I said, clenching my jaw. Of course, even in Prythian, choices were made for me. "We'll cut off your money supply if you don't go", Feyre finally says, sighing. I stood, frozen. "Get Lucien or someone else to go", I said slowly. "We need someone who already knows the mortal realm as well as I do. Unless you want Elain to go-" I interrupted Feyre. "Don't you dare send her", I hissed. Feyre smiled simply. "Then you have to go", she finished. I looked at Cassian, then Feyre, then Cassian, then Feyre. "You're a bitch, you know, Feyre?" I trembled. Rhysand had had enough. "DON'T CALL HER A BITCH!", Rhysand roared, his wings flapping. . I walked over to Rhysand and slapped him across the face. He staggered back. "Don't. Speak. To. Me. Like. That", I said softly. Rage gleamed in his violet eyes. "Why shouldn't I? You've deserved it?" he sneered. I could feel my eyes begin to prickle up with tears of rage and anguish. No. I would never be weak again. I would never be vunerable. I swallowed. "I'll be ready by this evening", I said, breaking the silence. Then I left the room and slammed the door. The paintings that contained no trace that I existed seemed to laugh at me as I ran down the corridor.

Heart Of Steel~ A Nessian fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now