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I heard a knock on my door and I foced myself out of bed to open it. I leaned against the wall as I unlocked all the locks. "What is it?" I sighed as Cassian came into view. "Good morning to you too", he said cheerfully, ignoring my cold stare. "What. Is. It", I pursed my lips. Cassian's smile faltered. "Rhysand says that you are needed at his place", Cassian recites. I rolled my eyes. "Well", I smiled sweetly. "You can go tell Rhysand that he can go kick his balls", I purred. Cassian laughed, tipping his head back and my heart lit up for a moment. "He said it's important", Cassian finally said. I scowled. "I'm not a dog", I clenched my jaw. "I am not to be summoned."  Cassian bit his tongue to keep from laughing. "Bastard", I muttered. He shot me a ghost of a smile. Then he grabbed my arm and winnowed me to Rhysand's home. I walked down the corridor, examining the painting on the wall. Made by Feyre, no doubt. I swallowed. There was no sign of me in any of them. It didn't matter. It shouldn't matter. But it did. Cassian nudged me. "What's wrong?" I looked away from the paintings. "Nothing", I mumbled. I stopped at Rhysand's meeting room. "Go on", Cassian gave me a playful shove. I turned the knob and took a step inside. Feyre was sitting in her chair, having a heated discussion with Rhysand. She pursed her lips. "She's not going to take it well", she warned him. She startled back a bit when she saw me. She forced a smile in which I ignored. "Nesta!" she began. I picked at my fingernails. To be far, they were extremely dirty. Feyre beagn to fumble for words. "Rhys", I took in a sharp breath, my attention on him now. "What the bloody hell did you call me here for?" Rhys smiled at me, though it looked more like a grimace. "I told you", Feyre tells Rhysand crossed her arms. I turned my glare on her. She smiled innocently at me, batting her lashes. "We need your help", Rhysand said stiffly. I smiled, the ends of my lips curling. "I don't need your charity", I spat out. "We pay for you rent, your food, your clothes and everything that you own", Rhysand said, dangerously soft. "But needing your help, you think that's charity? You think I want to work with you?You think-" Feyre interrupted him. "Rhys", her voice trembled with a hint of anger. Rhysand sighed. "Luckily for you, you have an amazing sister. So, I will not rip you to shreds for your arrogance and rudeness", he flashed me a picture perfect smile. From behind my walls of ice, I shuddered. "We need your help checking up on the mortal realm", Feyre finally said. I blinked. "Why?" I asked. She shrugged. "We haven't seen how they are coping for months now and Rhys and I will be leaaving for the Winter Court tomorrow, so we can't go", she answered. She shot Rhysand a look of pure love and my stomach churned. At least out of the two of us, she got to be happy. "Am I going alone?" I asked, fear filling the pits of my heart. Please not alone, I silently begged. No matter how much I hated the Fae here, I didn't think I would be able to go back to the place we once called home all alone. "No", another voice said. I turned around and my heart nearly stopped. "I'm going with you", Cassian said. 

Heart Of Steel~ A Nessian fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now