how it all started

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spongebob came home late and was mad and furious cause he just failed
his driving test, kicking here and
there and then accidentally kicked
Gary to the wall eventually killing

spongebob: I didn't mean too, but it felt good.

spongebob said with a loud voice, until squidward yelled.

squidward: go to bed Moran.
spongebob went into his kitchen to grab a knife and get some rope and then went over to squidward's house, he tip toed up stairs and went into squidward's room and walked up to him staring for 5 seconds and then saying.

spongebob: it all end's here.

spongebob then tied squidward up and woke him up.

squidward: spongebob what are you doing here.

spongebob: what I should have done a
long time ago.

spongebob lift's the knife to the air
and stabs squidward stomach and rips it open, then Start's ripping his
intestines out.

squidward: stop please I'll do what
you want.

spongebob: what I want is you dead.

spongebob takes the knife and stabs
squidward to death.

spongebob: I guess I have to get rid of
the body but where....... I know the dump.

spongebob gets a thrash bag and puts squidward corpse in it and head's for
the dump, but is stop by a officer on

officer: where are you heading.

spongebob looked at him with a dead
look in his eyes.

officer: well where are you heading.

spongebob: the........ dump.

officer: why.

spongebob: to take out some garbage.

officer: at this time of the night.

spongebob: ya.

officer: I'm sorry but I need to check that garbage of yours.

spongebob: sorry but you can't.

then the officer Pull's out his gun and
points it at spongebob.

officer: I'm gonna need you to drop
the bag and put your hand's behind
your head.

spongebob did as he was told then
the officer kept his gun and then
turned his back on spongebob to
check the thrash bag, then spongebob
reaches down to grab a rock and then
used it and hit the officer on the head
eventually knocking him out, then
spongebob brought out the knife and
stabbed the officer to death and
taking his gun.

spongebob: that takes care of that,
hmm this might come in Handy.

spongebob puts the thrash bag and
the officer in the boat driving to the
dump and surprising spongebob
drove alright, he got to the dump and
then dumping the officer and

spongebob: I guess I better head

spongebob leaves the boat and head's

Spongebob gets home head's to bed,
shuts his eyes but can't sleep, then he
started to here voices in his head.
voices: kill, kill them all, no one will
suspect a thing.

spongebob went out of bed and then
went to his bathroom, he then turned
on the tap splashing water on his
face, after that he went back to his
room struggling to sleep before he
knew it was morning.

spongebob: I guess time for breakfast.
spongebob gets ready and goes down
stairs and gets some cereal and watch


it was night time, as spongebob was walking he saw Gary's corpse.

spongebob: I guess I have to take that

spongebob then put Gary's corpse in a thrash bag and took it outside to his
backyard and buried it and then
planted flowers on it so no one would
suspect a thing.

spongebob: rest..... in..... peace.
spongebob head's back inside and
head's to bed.

spongebob only got 10 minutes of
sleep, before he heard his alarm
clock and then got out of bed, he then
took a bath and got dressed, as he was
walking he saw his driving test report
and got seriously angry, then a thought came to his mind to pay mrs
puff a visit, he now went to Mr puff
class and went in.

Mrs puff: spongebob what are you doing here there's no class today.

spongebob: i know, i came to give you

mrs puff: what?.

spongebob brings out his knife and
stabbed mrs puff to death.

spongebob: piece of thrash.

spongebob got a thrash bag and
disposed of mrs puff corpse, by
burying her behind the school.

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