Random Special in Late January/Early Febuary

Start from the beginning

The guys know that the married couple will get here earlier than the rest so, they have to make sure everything is organized before they get there.

This may be possible if they don't take breaks; so they did not take breaks.

"Yo Skeppy, Tapl I need you guy's help with this." Zelk said pointing to the misplaced bed. They were setting up the last room for their guests. "Ughh, this is so tiring,'' Skeppy said, flopping onto the bed.

"A6d has such an easy job. Why did we have to be stuck with this task?" Tapl asked, looking quite pale and tired.

"Bro are u okay?" Skeppy said, noticing the apple man looking sick. "Get Spifey, QUICK'' the boy said, stumbling a bit.

Zelk looked at Tapl and noticed his limp movement. "SKEPPY GO CALL SPIFEY," Zelk shouted, catching the apple boy as he fainted, exhausted.

Skeppy ran down the hall in a panic, calling out for the beaver man. "Yo! What the fuck is happening here?" A6d said, confused as the diamond boy picked up his speed.

He reached the kitchen and barged down the door, getting a weird look from everyone in the kitchen.

"Yo, your boyfriend fainted." Skeppy said, panic in his voice. Spifey's expression warping from his normal happy one to a worried one. "Where is he?" Spifey said, already stripping his apron.

Spifey followed Skeppy who was already out the door at that point.

The others who were in the kitchen looked at each other before deciding that Spifey can handle them and went back to what they were doing.

"Why didn't we do this earlier?" Bad said, putting the 12th pan of muffins into the oven (miraculously Bad hasn't run out of baking pans).

Mega nervously shrugged (it was more like a shiver) and Finn just laughed anxiously. A stressed Bad is a Bad you do not want to deal with.

Mega finished frying what he had to fry, but unfortunately, his job is barely done. 'Finn, can you hand me the calamari?' The translator said (Mega couldn't talk or he just didn't want to.) "Sure bro." Finn said, throwing the container Mega's way.

"FINN!" Mega shouted as he caught the container (he is cooking pretty close to Finn so it was possible). Mega held the container close to his chest, sighing, then sent a death glare at the gender fluid.

"Are you okay Mega?" Bad said, sympathetically. Mega nodded, even though his throat hurts and feels strained. "Finn next time don't throw it, you fatty," Bad said, his back on them.

He was making sure that the temperature was suitable for baking. Mega started frying some of the calamari as the other 2 engaged in conversation. He felt a little left out but he couldn't do anything about it.
Back to the others, Spifey protectively had his arms around his unconscious boyfriend on the couch, while Skeppy and Zelk explained to A6d what happened.

Mainly saying that he was pale before ultimately fainting and that he probably exhausted himself out.

A knock on the door, followed by a ding from the doorbell reminded the diamond boy and the furry of their task. It also made the beaver man instinctively hug the apple man tighter and growled at the door.

"Shit" Zelk muttered as he started running towards the room they were supposed to fix. Skeppy opened the door to let their guest in. Their guest entered and A6d started to show them around the house.

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