first day of college (2)

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Siddharth pov

That girl and bro walked away bro kept a hand on her waist. And i am getting jealous and i don't know why. Well that's not the matter now. I looked at vaish she was crying by now and reem, faisu and jai were consoling her. We walked out of the canteen to follow bro After sometime we followed bro and that girl and what we saw was unexpected the queen bitch i mean the Queen Bee of the college came towards bro and said him something for which bro look angry we understood there was something unusual bro ignored that bitch and move towards other direction but that bitch followed him and put bro's hand on her waist bro jerked her hands and  slapped her very hard we know that the The Slap was Hard because the sound was listened by the whole college and every one in the college looked at bro with wide eyes. Our gang was gang dumstruck. Bro never even shouted on any girl till he was with was but now he raised her hand on a girl i know that the bitch had said something and it was her fault but still bro has changed in one year. Every freaking creature in this building was looking at bro especially 3rd and 4th year students .bro ignored them before going he shouted "mind your own business guys and girls" and gave them a death glare which was really very scary and then Jaan move towards bro jumped on him from back and shouted bro and bro put his hand on her thighs to prevent her from falling on the ground. Then that beautiful girl came. Jaan moved down from bro's back and tightly hugged her she hugged her back i guess bro's anger just vanished after seeing that beautiful girl. Then bro said something to her in which they all 3 chuckled. After 1 freaking year i am seeing him smiling. He then bid-byed that girl and jaan. Kissed the girl's forehead. Before going he gave a last glance to jaan and that girl smilingly. And then looked towards us, his smile vanished. He moved to his black Lamborghini. And left. Jaan moved somewhere with that girl probably showing her her class.

Vaish- wow! Wow! Wow! I thought that he will comeback someday. But he has now moved on. ( she said crying)

Reem- don't cry dii.

Vaish- why should i not cry? Because of my missjudgement he left us. Right
Now he has his new girlfriend.

Jai- who was that girl?

Faisu- whoever she was we need to ask her about her and bro and we need to regain abhi's trust.

Throughout all there talkings i was thinking about that beautiful girl i noticed that she has not applied any makeup and i know she was not his girlfriend she was his sister. I suddenly remember that he has a sister whose photo i saw in bro's phone one year before, he then told me that she was his sister. Well i am admitting that she is my first crush. Thinking about her i attended the classes. After seeing bro we had thousands of thoughts in our mind so  we dropped the plan of ragging today.

Avneet's pov
Jaan hugged me very tightly she is still the same overexcited person. I hugged her back and said bye to bro. After that jaan showed me my class there were many seats who were empty so i on 2nd bench on the 4th last row. After sometime students started to come inside the seat on my right was empty but no one sat on it i dont know why then a boy came and asked me

Boy- I  .si..t Is..s. No. se..a.t t..ha..t's w..hy

Avu- yaa why not but why are tou stammering?

Boy- sing...hani...a i..s yo...ur boy..frie..nd an..d no..w he. a gi..rl

Avu- firstly, introduce yourself secondly, he is not my boyfriend he is my brother thirdly, you don't to worry  he will not do anything to you fourthly, don't stammer and lastly,, make yourself comfortable.

He smiled and said.

Boy- hii i am riyaz ali. You are like my sister you can call me rii or bro.

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