"Anything," he said calmly.  "Whatever you need."

Lucy took a deep breath.  She was relieved to hear him say that.  "I had to tell Jo about my powers and that I was the reason we have no family but each other."

Severus licked his lips nervously.  "How did she take it?"

"Surprisingly well.  She was fine with it for the most part.  I was shocked."

He frowned.  "I don't understand, Lucy.  You seem like you're a mess."

"I'm not finished.  Chad was attacked by Death Eaters outside of The Potion Notion.  He's in the intensive care unit at St. Mungos."

"I'm so sorry."

"That's why I had to tell Jo about me.  He was hit with several curses at once.  One of them is giving the Healers there a little problem.  It's really dark magic.  They heal the wounds, but they keep reopening."

Severus suddenly went pale.  "And what do these wounds look like?"

"I'm not sure.  I didn't see them."

He pressed his lips together and his brows were furrowed in deep concentration.

"Can you help him, Severus?"

"I think I can, Lucy.  I think I know exactly what curse he was hit with and I know exactly how to deal with it."

For the first time since she had arrived, Lucy looked hopeful.  "Will you come with me to the hospital?"

"I can write the spell down for you.  Any of the Healers should be able to perform it and you as well."  He walked past her to his desk and got out a piece of parchment.

"I don't want anyone else to do it," Lucy said quietly.  "I want it to be you.  I don't want it to be anyone else."

Severus looked up at her, his black eyes finding her green ones.  She was silently pleading with him.  He sighed.  "I'm flattered, Lucy, but-"

"Please, Severus.  I don't trust anyone else."

He sighed.  It was his curse, one he had invented.  What if she found out?  Putting his fears aside, he said, "I'll do it.  I'll come with you."

She smiled gratefully.  "Thank you so much."

He stifled a yawn.  "But I must return as quickly as possible.  Classes resume tomorrow and I don't want to appear unprepared."

"I know.  Thanks, again."  She rushed over and took a hold of his arm.

"I'll have to get someone to unlock the gate," Severus told her.

"There's no need for that.  Not when you're with a girl who can walk through walls."

He smirked.  "Right.  I almost forgot.  Well, then, Lucy.  Lead the way."

She pulled him over to the door of his office and right on through it.  He gasped as they came out on the other side, pulling gently away from her.

"I had no idea you could share your power with others just by touching them," Severus disclosed.

Lucy grinned.  "Well, I can.  Now you know."

"That's amazing."

"Thank you."

Severus shook his head in stunned silence as he followed her hurriedly up the stairs from the Dungeons and out of Hogwarts.

~ * ~

The two of them apparated to St. Mungo's, just outside the front door, the moment they got outside the protective shielding around Hogwarts.  Lucy lead the way up to the fourth floor intensive care unit.  Jo was sitting in a chair outside of Chad's door when they hurried up to her.

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