As Long As You're Mine

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Chapter 11 (Hiccup's P.O.V)

I stayed on the ground kneeling in front of her. I felt people begin to come out of their houses to come watch. I could see the nervousness in her eyes as I began to be more nervous. Then...she pulled her hands away. That's when I stood up with worry. She leaned into my ear and whispered, "Can we talk in private" I nodded. We turned to find a private spot. When we found one, she took my hands and held them tightly. "I love you." She said quietly. "I really do. But I think now is not a good time. Drago is out there. And I think now is not a good time for marriage. And if you got hurt and we were married! That is just so much of a bigger feeling than just dating." I was stunned. Actually stunned. Not because of her answer. But because of how right about everything else she was. Without words, I started to walk away. I felt Astrid grab my shoulder and pull me back. She had a smirk on her face, "You didn't think you could get away from me that easy did you?" I smiled back and pulled her waist closer to mine until I felt our lips touch. I felt her gentil lips press against mine. Her hands went through my hair as my hands ran up and down her waist. We both pulled away and gazed in each other's eyes. She is a beautiful human being. "Hey, and listen. If you still want to marry me when Drago is dealt with, my answer may be different."

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