17: A Bloom as Beautiful as You, Pt: 1

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(The next afternoon, Kelly P.O.V)

"Soooooooo, how was it?"

I was standing in the sunlight of the courtyard, clipping freshly washed Army uniforms to the clothesline. The stone-gated terrace around me was bustling with activity; between the various soldier's who carted around wooden wagons full of bouquets of flowers, the apprentices' that worked in groups of 3 to build more wooden stalls, and the lieutenant's who managed their progress--

I could hardly hear Seth as he chided to me with a knowing, devilish smirk.

"Yooohoooo, Aliccceee!"

The blue haired Spade sauntered closer to me and practically sung my name into my ear.

"Oh!" I squeaked and turned towards him, just as another soldier with a cart overfilled with flowers dashed past us.

Seth backed up and crossed his arms, pouting at me.

"You still haven't told me yet! I want to know allllllll the details!"

I had a feeling I knew what he was talking about, but I hoped that if I played dumb, he would just let it go..

"Details about what?" I shrugged off his question in a musing tone, then grabbed another wet dress shirt from the pile and began pinning it to the line.

"UGH!" In a perfectly exaggerated distress, Seth sighed and grabbed my arm softly to get my attention.

"About last night! You know....with Fenrir...."

Darnit. Just as I expected.

I cleared my throat and tried to hide my face from the 10 of Spades.

"N-nothing. Nothing happened!" I couldn't help it. My tone of voice suddenly escalated in pitch, and I squeaked out my words. Seth's sudden reaction was to gasp loudly.


He fastened his arm around my arm once again and pulled me into a spin to face him.

I couldn't hide it anymore. My face was awash in an embarrassed tomatoe-red colour.

"You can't hide from me! Sister Seth can smell gossip a mile away!" The 10 of Spades grinned haughtily and fixated his gaze on mine. He even stepped closer, just enough to be a little too close...

Effectively trapping me.

I sighed heavily in defeat.

"It wasn't much..we just...talked most of the evening."

"That's it!? There's no way that's all that happened.."

Flashbacks of my night alone with Fenrir inside the old run-down castle flipped through my mind. After we spoke about how I would support him in his effort to defeat Mystic, we both broke apart bashfully, each a little too embarrassed to say how we enjoyed being so close.

Well..based on his demeanour, I could only guess that Fenrir felt that way too.

When nightfall came, we each slept seperately. It was a warm night, so I rested quite comfortably, but when I woke up, Fenrir had left me his coat as a blanket.

He'd also prepared me a breakfast salad of fruits he'd found growing on some nearby trees.

It was all very sweet. But it wasn't the mind-blowing romance that Seth was expecting.

"I swear, we just spent the night together as friends." I picked up the next wet shirt from my basket and clutched it tightly in my hands.

I couldn't help but wish there was more to explain. I wanted to get closer to the Ace of Spades...

The Noble: A Fenrir Godspeed X MC RomanceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt