A light tug pulls the bottom of my pants. I ignore it, considering it could be a fish, turtle, or any animal. The thought of meadows and ponds, or you can call this, an everglade, traces me to the times Ajax and I spent as kids playing in the meadows fishing, leaving gran without letting her know and going deep into the woods and finding a different pond every time. The days when the only thing we worried about was if we could catch a big fat juicy bass. Usually, the fish would come up to us with their big eyes. But they would be skinny things, not worth eating. Nobody fed them, considering we couldn't even provide ourselves. The fun was to catch the fish and to go inside the dirty lake. And then brag to the older kids at school that we caught something, but they would have to pay us a dime to see the fish. Unfortunately, we never got any buyers, and our dream of becoming entrepreneurs started and ended right there.

As I keep on walking without stopping. I walk some more because, frankly, I can't stop to sit down here or anything. I could attempt to make a raft, but that would take too much time and probably delay me getting anywhere by at least a day: a drag and tug, almost a chomp. I get pulled into the water. Water is going up and down my nose, and my arms are flapping up as my body is being pulled in the opposite direction. I get dragged by this I don't even know. Water is being splashed everywhere. I reach out for breath, but my body slams against the sharp rocks. The creature or thing that is pulling me pulls me deep into the water. It goes so low that my body hits a couple of stones, which lead to thousands of spiky point smaller rocks compressed into my back. I don't think this could be a person. It can't. I don't know. My body is hovering through the fogged water, and I notice a big fat green/aqua scaled creature is the thing that's is tugging me. I grab a branch of a plant that rises from the water keeping my body sustained from this push but immediately, this large beaked scale, snake-like creature with massive legs that is five times the size of me cones at me. My body slams against the rocks and the beast move its mouth. I am going deeper into my pants. I pull my leg away again, but We come to a stop. I pull my leg away again and attempt to stand up or fling myself away from it, but This creature comes out of the water and attacks me.

The creature is Coming-out of the water time by time. Almost like a human, it jumps out and in of the water, hoping to get a taste of me. I attempt to when it clovers over me to grab its what appear to be shoulders, its beak I believe think comes after me and my neck. I think, and while I try to pull myself away from it as its one thousand-ish pound body is on top of me. I pull the creature away, closing my eyes. I begin to lose air.

This whole event takes place underwater, and I can't breathe. I rise, and down the water as this creature pulling me; rising out of the water, it attacks me once more, ripping my shirt and clothing. The animal digs its nails into my skin. I am leaving holes in my shoulders and body. The creature and its four legs have created around possibly eight holes in my body right now.

I think as fast as I can. The pain gets to me, but I try to think fast. I am taking out the miniature knife from my pocket. The creature retrieves its nails from my skin but makes his or her tail go around my leg. It tightens. The thick fat tail covers my leg and comes closer to me. Almost taking Its last chomp, I Wait for the exact Moment I unravel its tail, quickly flipping in up-down, and in the water, I place my body weight, which is probably a strawberry compared to now "her" body. I stand on her belly and crouch down and stab my miniature knife into its stomach. A little hole I created at it distracts her for a second. I hop off her belly these seconds, she flips over, and I land right on top of her neck. I do one thing that would possibly kill her. I jab my knife into the creature's eye, killing it instantly. The beast falls and sinks to the ground. The blood from The Holes in my body and the creature's blood is circling the beast, and I. Blood circles us for almost a mile. Blood leaking the creature's body and my own. My body covered in bloody holes and my upper body... I don't even know how my arms aren't ripped off by now.

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