Ben x Gray

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I'm sorry. There have been talk of shipping these two, and I just started writing. This is what I came up with. Again, sorry if you think this is not what ya'll are looking for!


3rd Person Point Of View


"What the heck?!" Stephen was staring at the tv screen and desperately button mashing on the controller in his hands. His attempts were futile as Gray easily beat him. "How did you get so good at this game?"

Gray tossed the game manual at Stephen. "I memorized this."


Gray smirked at Stephen, "So I could beat you at this and see your failing desperate attempts to win. And I was not disappointed.

"How rude," Stephen was hiding a laugh behind his fake hurt.

"What did you expect? Me to let you win every time we played these games?" Gray's usually stoic face held a softness to it as he looked at his friend. 

Stephen sat next to him, cross legged, controlling sitting in his lap where he dropped it. He was dressed in the school uniform still, but now it was crumpled from sitting and flailing because of the game. His shaggy, brown hair came down, nearly reaching his deep brown eyes, but not quite. His pale-ish(?) skin showing on his forearms and hands, along with his neck and face. He really was quite good looking, but Gray would have never admitted that to his friend, afraid of what he might say or do.

Stephen was looking at Gray and couldn't help but stare at the boy. His small petite body sitting straight back and cross legged on a pillow. His button up shirt that was part of the school uniform came down to his wrist, his delicate hands that could quickly click the little buttons on the controller sitting in from of him. His gray hair resting lightly against his forehead and his pale skin bringing out his main features, high cheek bones, button nose, and long lashes that framed his big violet eyes. Stephen was amazed that Gray often didn't know what he did to him, causing his heart to skip a beat. 

Gray looked at his watch. "Shoot, it's getting kinda late."

Stephen looked at the clock on the wall. 8:30. It wasn't all that late, but Stephen lived a good walk away. It would be kinda late when he did get home. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, see you tomorrow," Gray said, giving Stephen a smile.

The scene before Gray began to fade before his eyes. He shut them and when he opened them, he was laying in his bed, in the dark, feeling emptier than he had before he went to sleep. 


Gray's Point Of View


Oh God, not again. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. The bright screen blinded me, and when my eyes adjusted to the bright light I checked the time. 3:15 A.M. Great. I guess it's time to go to school.

I slowly climbed out of bed, remembering my dream with my friend. No. Don't think of that. Not dealing with it. It hurts to much. I walked into the kitchen of my small apartment. I looked in the fridge and saw what I see every morning. I need to get food. I'm not really hungry though. My last meal was lunch at the school yesterday? Yeah, sounds about right. I really don't want to leave my apartment. I wanna lay around and mope like a bum, but if I do that I'll think of him.

I walked back to my room, quickly put on my uniform, gathered my notes from my desk, and tucked them away in my bag. I yanked my phone off of the charger. 3:25. Yes, time to go to school because that's when your supposed to be there. Maybe I should just walk around the city?

I grabbed my keys, ignoring the empty canvas sitting on the easel in my living room. I didn't want to draw, I wanted to forget. I walked out the door, made sure it was locked behind me and left the building, with my head down letting my hair hang in my eyes.

I was about a block away from my home when my phone buzzed. Who the heck would be texting me at this hour. No ones awake. Well except for me and people who work the night shift. I pulled out my phone and looked. It was the group chat that I had been put in with my friends from school. Eugene Gale, Rowan Im, Gerard Jin, Alex Go, and Ben Park. Ben was texting something in the group chat at 3:30 in the morning? 

Ben: am i the only one who didnt sleep at all

Gray: *Am I the only one who didn't sleep at all?" And that would be a no.

Ben: im assuming you stayed up all night as well

Gray: No. I just am unable to sleep, as always.

Ben: oh well i got nothing better to do you wanna meet for coffee

Gray: Sure.

Ben: You know that cafe closest to the chicken store? meet me there in 10 minutes

Ben: is that too soon

Gray: No. I left my apartment five minutes ago. I'll be there before you. See you then.

Well guess I'm meeting up with Ben. He was the one I was closest with anyways, even if I wasn't that close with him. And besides, I could really go for an Americano. 


Welp. I actually had fun writing that. Um, yea this one might take a couple pages. i always build up on stories so much more than i need to, so this might take awhile. tell me what you think. unless its negative. im already so negative by myself i dont need anymore negative vibes

Thanks lovelies for reading this

'till next time ya'll 

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