Brunch with beanie

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Charlotte quickly sped off trying to find a quiet place where she could sit and wallow in self-hatred. Of course, this happened to her. Why couldn't she have gone home with Gabrielle when she left. As if she had heard her thinking about her, Gabrielle came over arms stretched out for a hug.

"Charli!" Gabrielle squealed squeezing her best friend tightly, "I missed you so much!"

Charlotte couldn't help but feel bad for her friend, the second day into their trip her grandmother died and she had to go home, Charlotte now wished she went with her. "How was the trip? Oh, and how was your fancy man you found?"

Charlotte grimaced. "The trip was good!" She nodded then her face dropped "the fancy man, however..." she trailed off looking over to where Will stood. Gabrielle followed her eye line and gasped.

"Oh my god," Gabrielle said going wide-eyed.

"I know" Charlotte nodded sadly.

"Char, I know you won't want to hear this but, ugh" Gabrielle started then sighed, Charlotte looked at her wanting her to continue. "I bumped into headmistress Yuki she wanted me to pass on a message to you. She wants you to show around the new student. Which now we know is..."

"No. I'm not doing it. I can't do it." Charlotte exclaimed standing up and shaking her head violently pacing back and forth. "I would rather throw myself into the Hudson then show Will around!"

"Ok you need to calm down suicide is not the answer in this situation" Gabrielle tried to reason. She felt bad for her friend and honestly, she felt that in a situation like this she should be throwing herself into a river.

From across the room, Will stood with Harrison as he kept nervously glancing over to Charlotte pacing back and forth. Probably freaking out about seeing him again. Harrison had been rambling on about the girls in Constance about how there were certain unspoken rules about dating them. Little did he know Will already had his heart sent on one.

"Yeah, and over there is Gabrielle and beanie. Oops I mean Charlotte" Harrison pointed to the two girls one of them trying to get there leg up to the window cill while trying to open the window and the other pulling them down. Will's ears perked up when he mentioned Charlotte, this was his time to find more out about her. "Gabrielle is really nice very protective over her friends and Charlotte is..."

"Charlotte." Will interrupted chuckling at the two girls bickering over at the window.

"Yeah," Harrison nodded in agreement. He slowly started to peace the connection between Will and Charlotte. As soon as she saw him she went as white as a ghost and then he did the same thing. Him not being able to take his eyes off of her. "Oh my god. You're the guy from her trip."

"What? How did you know?" Will said shocked turning round to face Harrison properly.

"Let's just say I'm good at figuring stuff out" Harrison laughed before Will could ask him anything else the maid, Dorota, asked everyone to take their seats around the table for brunch.

Will took his seat next to his father jack as his mother walked towards Charlotte. Oh god, he thought.

"Charlotte, there you are!" Georgina said with a sickly sweet smile. "I've been looking all over for you to introduce you to will, you can sit next to him," she said grabbing the girl by her shoulders and led her to an empty chair next to her son. Charlotte gulped. No way she thought. As they neared the seat she saw her brother Ernest sitting in the seat next to the one yet to be occupied, Georgina let go of the girl and sat at her seat.

"Ernest switch with me" Charlotte whispered harshly.

"Not with that tone I won't" he spat at his sister she huffed as he stuck his tongue out at her.

The brunch dragged in most of the talk at Charlotte's side of the table was business. It wasn't until her uncle Nate took control of the conversation did she start to loosen up a little.

"So Charli I bet you are overjoyed to be back home in your most favourite city in the world or what is it that Harrison called it? 'The only city in the world that turns him on'?" Nate asked smiling and wiggling his eyebrows at a bright red Harrison. Most people laughed while Blair hit her son in the back of his head.

"Definitely, you know what I say my heart lies and dies with NYC," Charlotte said laughing. She could feel will staring at her so she glanced at him he was smiling which made the knot she had in her stomach loosen a little.

"Really beanie? Last time I heard you say something along those lines it was my heart 'lies and dies with McDreamy'" Serena piped up from the far side of the table.

"Beanie?" Will asked confused.

"It was her name before she had a name when she was born, it kinda stuck as a nickname," dan explained.

"Personally I prefer beanie over Charlotte" Ernest teased, prodding his sister.

After the group had a debate over whether beanie should be Charlotte's real name they all went there own ways. As the Humphrey family got to their car Charlotte realised she forgot her bag so she ran back into chuck and Blair's. Lots of caterers were cleaning up and Dorota was sweeping things up. Charlotte scanned the room searching for her Birkin. As she looked for it she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Looking for this?" Will asked holding out the bag. "You know I was expecting a lot of things but I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah me neither, I think I had a minor stroke when you walked in" Charlotte laughed awkwardly, Will smirked at the comment but then his face dropped.

"Charli, because I wasn't expecting to ever see you again I didn't tell you something that I really should have told you," he said nervously he hesitated to tell her more but she cocked her head to the side asking him to go on. "I have a girlfriend."

Charlotte's heart sunk and a pit formed in her stomach. She was like the other woman. She prayed that it wasn't someone from Constance.

"Her name is Samantha" he explained. Oh no Charlotte thought. Not Sammy.

Samantha baizen was Charlottes worst enemy, they hated each other since the 3rd grade and always tried to make each other life's miserable.

"So I was hoping you could keep our little summer fling a secret?" Will asked, he felt really guilty about cheating but when he saw Charlotte it was like a moment in a Romcom where guy meets girl and knows he has to be with her.

"Totally, I uh, I understand" she nodded with glassy eyes. She refused to cry in front of him. Sadness slowly turned to anger. "You know what I don't understand. Why would you string someone along like that? And when you have a girlfriend?"

"I never thought I was gonna see you again!" He said pointedly. "I thought it would just be a summer thing, you of all people should know how that works."

She knew exactly what he was implying and scoffed before storming out of the house, leaving him by himself.

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